Graduate School of North American Studies invites applications for 12 Doctoral Grants.
The Graduate School of the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies invites applications for the academic year 2009/2010. Six academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences collaborate in offering a structured curriculum. The doctoral program is interdisciplinary in its approach and focuses on those social transformations impacting the United States and Canada at the beginning of the 21st century. Areas of emphasis include domestic and foreign policy, economic development, ethnic identity and relations, as well as recent transformations in media, art, literature, culture, and religion.
Applicants interested in pursuing a doctorate with an emphasis in North American Studies must have a completed degree (M.A. or the equivalent) with above average marks in one of the following disciplines: American Cultural Studies, American Literature, History, Political Science, Sociology and Economics.
Grants are awarded for a period of one year with the possibility of two annual extensions. The language of instruction is English. Scholarships amount to ca. 1.500 € per month. It is also possible to apply for admission to the program independently from applying for a stipend. Guest students are welcome to stay for a period of up to one year. Guest students must be self-supporting.
All application materials (completed application form, study proposal of 3 pages, outline of dissertation project of 8-10 pages, curriculum vitae, two recent letters of reference, copies of earned degrees, proof of language skills, and a writing sample) must be received by January 31, 2009 at the following address:
Freie Universität Berlin
Graduate School of North American Studies
Professor Dr. Winfried Fluck, Director
Lansstrasse 5-9
14195 Berlin, Germany
For further information on application requirements and the graduate program, and for the application form, please see
Please address all inquiries to the administrative coordinator:
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Doctoral Grants Graduate School of North American Studies 2009/2010
10:52 PM
