Call for applications for scholarships in the spring term 2009.
Applications should be made to the Tietgen Business College Jubilee Scholarship Closing date for applications is 1 March 2009.
Announcement of any awards will be made in late March 2009.
The objectives are primarily study activities, traineeships, exchange programs, etc. abroad.
The scholarships will be distributed according to the following principles:
1. Extended periods of study (DKK 10,000 – 15,000)
2. Short periods of study of less than six months (approx. DKK 5,000)
3. Traineeships, paper writing, etc. (approx. 3,000)
4. Class applications for exchange programs, etc.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tietgen Business College Jubilee Scholarship
9:15 PM
