We invite applications for a PhD position within the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / German Research Foundation) project Influence of tillage practice on infiltration processes in agricultural catchments.
The influence of different tillage operations on runoff formation and runoff concentration will be analysed and physical-based modelled for small catchment areas (lower mesoscale
Scenarios shall be simulated to quantify the effectiveness of tillage and soil coverage on water retention and runoff reduction. Possibilities and limits of flood protection will be analysed. At last test simulations will be realised with larger raster resolution to get an advice if it is possible to regionalize the scientific findings. If these tests are satisfactory, the transfer of processes and simulations to the upper mesoscale (100-1000 km²) will be carried out in a new project.
Job description
The successful candidate will work with the newest water balance model WaSiM-ETH 8.2.9 (see http://www.wasim.ch/en/index.html). The focus of the simulation is the evaluation of sealing processes due to erosive rain events in combination with different tillage operations.
Additionally, two dimensional overland flows will be modelled to fully understand different water pathways including infiltration and return flow. A comparison between conventional and ecological soil cultivation will conclude the research.
The applicant is expected to have a Diplom / M.Sc. in civil / environmental engineering or geographic / soil sciences.
Advanced scientific programming skills (FORTRAN90, MATLAB, UNIX) are expected and the ability to work efficiently in a team is regarded as essential.
The position is offered for 18 months. During this time period a PhD thesis can be completed because essential pre-work (data analysis, build-up of the WaSiM model) has already been done.
Payment is according to TVöD, E13 60% including extensive social security plans. It is possible to start the scientific work with a M.Sc.-Thesis on the basis of a student employment. After examination the position (TVöD, E13 60%) can be continued over the offered period (18 months).
The Universität der Bundeswehr seeks to increase the number of female scientists and encourages them to apply. Handicapped persons with comparable qualifications receive preferential status.
All applications (including a cover letter, a curriculum vitae and copies of scientific degrees), received before 1st of March 2009 will be considered. The position is open until filled.
For further information please contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing Markus Disse, e-mail: markus.disse@unibw.de, phone: +49 89/6004-3491
Universität der Bundeswehr München · 85577 Neubiberg · Germany
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
PhD Position, Soil Sciences, Germany
8:59 PM
