The University of Pretoria regards itself as a research intensive university. Hence, it is seeking candidates for doctoral studies who will make significant contributions to its research endeavour. As part of an initiative by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, the University of Pretoria has made funds available for two doctoral scholarships for students coming from Commonwealth Countries (excluding South African students). This scholarship will be known as the University of Pretoria Commonwealth Doctoral Scholarship and will be awarded on a competitive basis.
The University of Pretoria has established a reputation for academic excellence, particularly in relation to some of its major research activities. Information about these research activities can be obtained from the website of the University ( and from the 2006 Research report
1. Eligibility
• The Doctoral Scholarship will be awarded to applicants who are citizens of Commonwealth Countries.
• Applicants must conduct their studies at the University of Pretoria.
• Applicants must have completed the degree that will give them admission to a doctoral programme a maximum of three years prior to their application for the University of Pretoria Commonwealth Doctoral Scholarship.
• Applicants must not be older than 35 years of age at time of application.
• Masters students currently registered at the University of Pretoria are not eligible for the Doctoral Scholarship.
2. Value of Doctoral Scholarship
The value of this Doctoral Scholarship will be R 100 000 per annum.
3. Supplementary Funds
The holder of this scholarship may hold supplementary bursaries/ grants/scholarships.
4. Period of support
The scholarship will be for a maximum period of support of three academic years.
5. Application Procedure
In order to be considered for this scholarship, candidates must submit the following documentation to the University of Pretoria;
• An agreement in principle from a suitable academic supervisor at the University that the candidate can work under their supervision.
• Provide an outline (one A4 page), of the research work that they wish to undertake
• Complete and sign an International Postgraduate Application Form. (This form can be obtained from the Client Service Centre, Hatfield Campus and also on the website of the University of Pretoria (
• Curriculum Vitae (CV) – no more than 4 pages
• Certified copy of passport
• 2 Letters of reference from Academics/Supervisors at the Master’s level who have current knowledge of the applicant’s academic performance. Referees should be asked to comment on the following aspects of the candidates
o Their past academic performance
o Their research ability as evidenced by their masters studies
o Their suitability for the study that is proposed
o Their potential in the chosen field of doctoral studies.
• Full academic transcripts of all qualifications obtained.
Required documentation should be submitted together with the International Postgraduate Application Form to one of the Specialist Consultants at the Client Service Centre and to the proposed supervisor:
Mrs Mpho Maithufi Mr Ruan Dippenaar
Client Service Centre Client Service Centre
University of Pretoria University of Pretoria
Lynnwood Road Lynnwood Road
Pretoria Pretoria
0002 0002
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 4077 Tel: +27 (0)12 420 5108
Fax: +27 (0)12 420 2605 Fax: +27 (0)12 420 2605
Email: Email:
6. Terms and Conditions
Support for the subsequent years will be subject to:
• submission of a progress report three months before the end of the each year of study,
• confirmation by the supervisor that the scholar’s progress is satisfactory supported by the Head of Academic Department in which the student is registered On completion of the degree the candidate will be expected to return to his/her home country.
7. Selection Criteria
Award of this scholarship will be based on:
• Academic performance of the candidate.
• Potential to undertake advanced research activities.
• Leadership qualities.
• Evidence of research accomplishment at the masters level by means of publications or other appropriate products of the work undertaken.
• Prizes and honours received.
Selection of the candidates for these scholarships will be done by the University’s Institutional Selection Committee.
The successful applicant will be informed by e-mail and official letter of acceptance. Candidates, who have not received written notification within six weeks of the closing date, must please contact the Client Service Centre.
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 4077/5108/5107
Fax: +27 (0)12 420 2605
8. Closing Date
The closing date for the 2009 Academic year is 31 March 2009.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Africa Commonwealth Scholarships, University of Pretoria, SA, 2009
8:56 PM
