To contribute to the development of a productive private sector the ELSP offers scholarship support to outstanding emerging entrepreneurs and business leaders in Danida’s Programme partner countries and South Africa. An internationally-recognised Masters degree will equip suitable candidates to further contribute to the growth of their home companies and of their nation’s economy in the globalised market.
Female applicants are particularly encouraged to apply, as the ELSP recognizes the particular barriers facing potential female business leaders and innovators.From 2009 the ELSP will offer scholarship support for an increasingly wide choice of internationally-accredited private-sector related Masters Degrees in Denmark or South Africa.
The closing date for the receipt of applications by CBS is 15 June 2009, and by University of Copenhagen 15 March 2009. Students should expect to attend introductory courses in August 2009 prior to the start of the Danish academic year in September.
Closing dates for applications to business schools in South Africa will be published on the DFC website as soon as they have been fixed. The academic year runs from January. www.dfcentre.com
Applicants from Danida’s Programme partner countries should contact the Embassy of Denmark in their country of domicile for any further information and to deliver their applications. General ELSP information and news on the procedures for MBA courses in South Africa will be updated on the Danida Fellowship Centre website. Please visit:www.dfcentre.com
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Masters Scholarships for Emerging Leaders -
9:07 PM
