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Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy)
IMT is an Institute for Advanced Studies that aims to push the frontiers of knowledge and to contribute to the formation of international professional elites for business and institutions. IMT attracts bright students, young researchers and professors through competitive, transparent procedures at an international level.
Research and PhD programs focus on institutional and technological change, the role of organizations and markets in economic systems, the analysis of complex systems in social sciences, computer science and engineering. PhD programs are taught exclusively in English.
The campus system and residential services provided by the Lucca Foundation for Higher Education and Research (FLAFR) create a vibrant, close-knit intellectual community.
IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca is seeking to appoint Assistant Professors and Post-Doctoral Fellows in the following fields:
- Economics
- Political Sciences
- Computer Science and Engineering
Preference will be given to candidates who have recently completed or are near completion of their Ph.D. degree, or candidates with experience in formal instruction at the graduate-level.
Assistant Professors and Post-doctoral Fellows are appointed for a fixed term of up to three years. Contracts may be renewed once for an additional three years (i.e. six years in total). The remuneration package is competitive at the international level and includes generous research funds. Additional benefits may be negotiated with select applicants.
Successful candidates for either type of position will work closely with other young researchers, graduate students, and senior researchers, and will have a limited teaching load in the school’s graduate program (e.g. one class per year). IMT believes that faculty and staff diversity contributes to excellence and is an equal-opportunity employer.
Additional information about IMT may be found at
Applicants are required to apply on line:
- Call for Applications in Economics
- Call for Applications in Political Sciences
- Call for Applications in Computer Sciences and Engineering
In addition, at least two letters of reference must be e-mailed as attachments (preferred format: PDF) to: yrf.opening[ at ] or by mail to the following address:
Job Openings 2009 – YRF
IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies
Piazza San Ponziano, 6
55100 Lucca – Italy
Deadline: 1 December 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Young Research Fellow positions in Economics, Political Science, Computer Science and Engineering
8:33 PM
