Postdoctoral Position in Genetic / Genomic Research in Apple, Cornell University, USA
A full-time postdoctoralassociate is sought for genetic/genomic studies in apple (Malus x domestica). The project will focus on studying genes influencing plant architecture, fruit quality and disease resistance. Genetic maps will be developed and new molecular markers will be identified. The successful candidate will develop and use genomics tools for the genetic enhancement of apple, and is expected to contribute to a variety of studies within the apple genetic improvement program.
Cornell University is a bold, innovative and inclusive teaching and research university of academic distinction and public service where staff, faculty, and students alike are challenged to be active citizens of the world.
Applicants should have a PhD in Plant Genetics/Genomics, Plant Breeding, Plant Molecular Biology or related disciplines. Hands-on experience in diverse PCR-based markers systems and linkage map construction is required. Experience in marker development and linkage analysis in allopolyploids is desired. A strong theoretical background in Statistical Genomics will be viewed favorably. Association mapping, genomic sequence analysis, genomic data mining and bioinformatics experience is surely desireable. Candidates should have a proven record of research productivity and proficiency and the ability to work collaboratively with other researchers and graduate students. Excellent English written and oral communication skills are required. Salary is commensurate with experience and education.
The position will be under the supervision of Dr. Susan Brown, Herman M. Cohn Professor of Horticultural Sciences and Director of the Tree Fruit Genomics Initiative, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Cornell University, 630 West North Street, 120 Hedrick Hall, NYSAES, Geneva, NY.
To apply, send or e-mail curriculum vitae,list of publications,statement of research interests, and phone numbers and full contact information of at least 3 references to: Dr. Susan Brown, (Email: skb3[ at ] at the above address.
Review of applications will begin immediately. The position start date isas soon as possible, but a later start date is negotiable.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Postdoctoral Position in Genetic / Genomic Research in Apple, Cornell University, USA
1:46 PM
