AUN/SEED-Net (ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network) menawarkan beasiswa “Doctoral Degree Program in Japan” untuk periode perkuliahan September 2009 - Maret 2010, di universitas-universitas sbb.: Hokkaido University, Keio University, Kyoto University, Kyushu University, Tokai University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Toyohashi University of Technology, University of Tokyo, Shibaura Institute of Technology dan Waseda University.
The AUN/SEED-Net Project with support from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) provides scholarships for prospective applicants from AUN-SEED/Net Member Institutions to pursue doctoral degrees in engineering at one of the following Japanese Supporting Universities:
Hokkaido University, Keio University, Kyoto University, Kyushu University, Tokai University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Toyohashi University of Technology, University of Tokyo, Shibaura Institute of Technology, and Waseda University.
The fields of study that can be supported by the AUN/SEED-Net are as follows:
Civil Engineering (CE), Chemical Engineering (ChE), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Environmental Engineering (EnvE), Geological Engineering (GeoE), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Manufacturing Engineering (ManuE), Materials Engineering (MatE), and Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (ME/AE).
Under the above 9 fundamental engineering fields, applicants, if interested, may also propose any research topic(s) related to the new five (5) interdisciplinary areas (Biotechnology, Disaster Mitigation, Environment, Natural Resources/Materials, and New/Renewable Energy).
Although studying outside ASEAN countries, students under the Doctoral Degree Program in Japan are encouraged to participate in AUN/SEED-Net’s network activities (e.g. AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference, Collaborative Research activities, etc.) so as to create, maintain, and deepen the linkage with Member Institutions (student’s sending institution and/or student’s hosting institution when pursued master’s degree).
(1) Applicants must have a research-based master’s degree in relevant engineering field or to be awarded the master’s degree before starting doctoral degree study.
(2) Applicants should be ranked within top 10% of the class for Bachelor’s Degree, in principle, (a certified document of class rank is required).
(3) Applicant should have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3 or more in the 4-scale grading system or at least 7.5 in the 10-scale grading system, with some English competency.
(4) Applicants must be outstanding graduates of Master’s Degree Program of AUN/SEED-Net Project, or outstanding young teaching staff or research staff of Member Institutions, who are strongly motivated to have a professional career as teaching staff at Member Institutions.
(5) Applicants, in principle, should have at least one recent (not older than 2 years) research publication in refereed national or international journal.
(6) Applicants must be under the age of 35 at the time of enrollment and capable of carrying out independent research.
The duration of the scholarship is strictly three years.
Coverage of the Scholarships: Tuition fees, living expenses, health insurance, and a round-trip air ticket will be provided as per JICA regulations.
The applicants for the Doctoral Degree Program in Japan submit the AUN/SEED-Net’s Application Form for Scholarship along with other required documents (please refer to Application Form of the Doctoral Degree Program in Japan 2009, Item No. 12-13) to the contact person of the Member Institutions to which the applicants belong (sending institutions). (List of contact person at each Member Institution is given in Attachment 3.) Please note that at this stage there is no need to submit application form of Japanese Supporting Universities.
(2) The contact person of each sending institution sends a collection of Application Forms endorsed by the Member Institution to the AUN/SEED-Net Project. Please note that individual application sent to AUN/SEED-Net Project will not be accepted.
However, Sending Institutions could submit the collection of application forms more than once towards the Deadline.
(In case of applicants studying overseas, Application Forms as well as other required documents can be submitted directly to AUN/SEED-Net, provided that the applicants request the contact person of their respective Sending Institution to submit an endorsement letter to AUN/SEED-Net.)
(3) The AUN/SEED-Net Project will check all required documents and request missing
documents from applicants through Sending Institutions, if necessary.
(4) The AUN/SEED-Net Project will conduct initial screening and send the results to applicants’ sending institutions. At the same time, the AUN/SEED-Net Project will consult with concerned Japanese Supporting Universities for possibility of accepting the applicant in the event that the applicant is awarded a scholarship and passes the entrance examination.
*Applicants are encouraged to contact by themselves a prospective advisor of your
preference at a Japanese Supporting University for consent on acceptance in the event the applicant is awarded a scholarship and passes the entrance examination. It will be an advantage in the screening process if the applicant can obtain and enclose such consent letter (or copy of e-mail communication) from a prospective advisor in this application as it can fasten the screening process.
(5) After the communication with Japanese Supporting Universities, the AUN/SEED-Net
Project prioritizes the applicants and sends the result to JICA Headquarters. JICA
Headquarters then make the decision on the selection of the successful applicants by April 2009.
(6) The AUN/SEED-Net Project informs the results to the Member Institutions to which the applicants belong in April 2009, and provides the scholarship awardees with the respective Japanese Supporting Universities’ Application Forms.
(7) The process after sending the Japanese Supporting Universities’ Application Forms may be different from country to country. AUN/SEED-Net, in cooperation with the JICA Local Office in the respective countries, will advise the scholarship awardees on the necessary procedures.
Submission Deadlines of the Application Form
Applications for the Doctoral Degree Program in Japan should be submitted both in soft copy and in printed form, by October 31 (Fri), 2008 to the AUN/SEED-Net Project. They must be signed by the Dean or the Representative of the AUN/SEED-Net Member Institution to which the applicants originally belong.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Doctoral Degree Program in Japan from AUN/SEED-Net
1:48 PM
