The Department of Environmental Sciences and Land Use Planning of the
Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) is opening a position for a
PhD student in the field of spatial mapping and statistical analysis
techniques applied to soil polluted sites assessment, in the framework
of the EU FP7 research project MODELPROBE (”Model driven Soil Probing,
Site Assessment and Evaluation”).
The PhD student will contribute to the development and application of
spatial mapping techniques and statistical analysis techniques with
the aim of (i) assessing the performances of various existing in-situ
measurement method (geophysics, biology, tree monitoring, etc.), and
(ii) applying data fusion techniques for the spatial mapping and
delineation of a contaminated area.
The appointment will be for a period of three years, starting October
1, 2008. The candidate should have a MSc Degree in Civil or
Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics,
Physics, or closely related disciplines. Good knowledge of the Matlab
programming language is welcome.
To apply, please email your CV along with the names of two referees to
Professor Patrick Bogaert (, Faculty of
Deadline for receipt of applications is October 1, 2008.
website link:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
PhD position in spatial mapping & statistical analys, UC Louvain, Belgium
1:27 PM
