ESRC Funded PhD Studentship in The Governance of Clean Development in the School of Development Studies at the University of East Anglia
Meeting the development needs of the majority of the world’s people in a carbon-constrained world presents a global challenge of staggering proportions. There is currently little research, however, about the role of institutions and policy processes in reconciling the growing levels of demand for energy investment in rapidly industrialising countries with the goal of clean development aimed at facilitating a transition to a lower carbon economy.
An ESRC Climate Change Leadership Fellowship on The Governance of Clean Development will address this issue. The programme of work will explore the conditions in which the governance context nationally and internationally helps to determine (i) the nature, scale and direction of investment flows in the clean development sector (within and beyond the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism) and (ii) the extent to which those flows are able to simultaneously satisfy social as well as environmental ends.
As part of this programme, applications are invited for a fully funded 3 year PhD studentship based in the School of Development Studies at UEA to be supervised by Prof. Peter Newell to begin in October 2008 (or as soon thereafter as possible). The subject of the research will be a comparative study of the governance of clean development in India and South Africa and will involve field work in both those countries.
The studentship will allow significant involvement in the research and communication work associated with the fellowship at one of the UK’s leading centres for research on climate change development. The studentship includes PhD student fees, field work costs and project related travel, a stipend plus a Research Training Support Grant. To see the terms and conditions of ESRC studentships see full details link.
Applications are welcome from candidates with a minimum 2.1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent) and a relevant Masters degree or relevant experience. Please note that due to funding restrictions only EU and UK citizens are eligible. Applications should include a CV, a covering letter outlining relevant experience and interest in this area of work and a completed application form which can be downloaded from here.
They should be submitted to Daniel Lightening, SSF Admissions, University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ Tel +44 (0) 1603 592805, E-mail:d.lightening[ at ] quoting ESRC/Newell. The deadline for applications is August 15th 2008. A telephone interview will be held in late August at a date to be confirmed.
For further information and queries please contact Prof. Peter Newell P.Newell[ at ]
Available online at this page.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
ESRC Funded PhD Studentship in The Governance of Clean Development, the University of East Anglia, UK
11:05 PM
