PAIS East Asia Postgraduate Research Fellowship
ENTRY 2008/09
Politics and International Studies
Beasiswa Inggris: PAIS East Asia Postgrad Research Fellowship - University of Warwick
The Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) invites applications for one East Asia Postgraduate Research Fellowship to fund three years of doctoral research at the University of Warwick.
This doctoral research will form part of PAIS’s programme to consolidate the study of East Asia in the department and across the University. The successful candidate will be supervised by Professor Chris Hughes in PAIS. In addition to pursuing their own doctoral research, the holder of the Fellowship will be expected under Professor Hughes’s direction to form part of a research team and provide assistance in a range of activities to promote research on East Asia. PAIS has one of the largest concentrations in the UK of research expertise in the contemporary international and domestic East Asian politics.
The successful candidates should have an interest in the international and domestic politics of East Asia, broadly in one or more of the disciplines of Political Science, International Relations, International Political Economy, Security Studies, East Asian Studies, and Japanese Studies. Professor Hughes would particularly welcome applications in his research specialism of Japanese foreign and security policy, but also seeks applications in areas such as Japan-China relations, East Asian regional security more generally, and East Asian regionalism and political economy.
The Fellowship will be highly competitive. Successful candidates should have obtained at least an upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) from a recognised institution of higher education before 31 July 2008. The possession of a MA in a relevant discipline would also be an advantage, as would some pre-existing knowledge of East Asia. Applicants should have the requisite standard of English, and some ability in Japanese or another East Asian language would be useful. Home/EU and Overseas students are eligible for the Fellowship.
The scholarship includes for three years:
The payment of academic fees
A maintenance grant in line with the UK Research Council standard stipend (£12,940 for full-time award holders in 2008/2009)
Successful candidates may be asked in consultation with Professor Hughes to undertake up to 110 hours of assistance in a year. This assistance may take the form of research and/or teaching and/or administrative duties.
Interested candidates are encouraged in the first instance to contact directly Professor Hughes ( for informal discussions about their suitability and research plans. Formal applications should be made by sending a completed application form, two references, and academic transcript to Professor Hughes. Candidates should also make the normal formal application through the University of Warwick’s Graduate School (
The deadline for applications is 4 August 2008.
Entry is for the academic year 2008/09, ideally in October 2008, but slightly later entry is negotiable. For more information about PAIS and postgraduate research, please consult:
Please quote job vacancy reference number PAIS1-068.
The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Monday 04 August 2008.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
PAIS East Asia Postgrad Research Fellowship - University of Warwick
10:57 PM
