JOB OPENING: A PhD student position for 3 years is open for applications
PROJECT TITLE: Robust optimization: theory and applications
FUND: Swiss National Science Foundation Project
DEADLINE: 10th August 2008 (the position may be filled prior to this
date if a suitable candidate is identified)
STARTING: 1st November 2008
The Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale
(IDSIA, invites applications for a PhD student position
at University of Lugano, Faculty of Informatics
We are looking for an outstanding Ph.D. student with excellent
mathematical as well as computer programming skills.
In order to be admitted, the applicant must have completed a Master
degree in computer science, informatics, or a closely related field
prior to joining the program. We are particularly interested in a
candidate with a strong know-how in the following areas:
* Optimization on networks
* Optimization under uncertainty (robust optimization)
* Exact methods based on mathematical programming
* Metaheuristic algorithms (tabu search, simulated annealing, ant
colony optimization, etc.)
The position is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The
initial appointment will be for 3 years, with possible extensions. The
salary is for the first year 38,400 CHF (Swiss Francs), for the second
year 41,400 CHF and for the third year 44,400 CHF, low taxes. No
teaching activity is required. Travel funding is guaranteed in case of
papers accepted at conferences. The official language at IDSIA is
English. The position is suitable for students no older than 35 years.
We guarantee that the selection process, based solely on the research
records, will give equal opportunities to female and male researchers.
Applicants should submit:
(i) Detailed curriculum vitae
(ii) Letter of presentation and motivation
(iii) List of three references and their email addresses
Please send all documents to via email to
Reference persons:
Dr. Roberto Montemanni
IDSIA, Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’intelligenza Artificiale
Galleria 2, CH-6928 Manno (Lugano), Switzerland.
Phone: +41 58 666 666 7
Prof. Luca Maria Gambardella
IDSIA, Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’intelligenza Artificiale
Galleria 2, CH-6928 Manno (Lugano), Switzerland.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
PhD in robust optimization, IDSIA, Switzerland
6:21 PM
