Two PhD studentships are now available in the Energy Technology Research Group, School of Engineering Sciences (SES), which will fully cover University tuition fees (at EU/UK level**) and provide a tax-free bursary of GBP 12,900 per year, rising annually in line with the UK Government (EPSRC) recommended rate, for a 4-year duration.
EU/UK fees GBP 3300 p.a., overseas fee GBP 13,480 p.a. (all figures subject to increase). Additional funding for fees may be available to exceptional overseas applicants.
Applications are invited for two High End Computing (HEC) Studentships. The HEC Studentships will provide support for 4 years postgraduate training leading to a Doctorate in the field of computational multiphase flow, from the University of Southampton, plus an MSc in Computational Science and Engineering, from the University of Warwick.
Multiphase flow is ubiquitous in nature and in industrial processes. The proposed research is concerned specifically with a two-phase system in which a gas phase is laden with liquid droplets interacting with the continuum and, indirectly, with each other through this continuum. The ability to predict such a phenomenon is of great importance for biomedical, chemical, energy and process industries. The phenomenon involves time and length scales ranging from nanoscales (interfacial physics) to macroscales (interactions of particle momentum and scalar wakes), which cannot be fully described by the continuum formulation based on the Navier-Stokes equations.
The proposed research is to develop both macroscopic and microscopic methods to simulate fully resolved multiphase flow. One student will lead the development of the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) and the other will focus on the Immersed Boundary Method (IBM). The project will extend the capabilities of these methods and explore their relative strengths in the mesoscale range.
A distinctive feature of these studentships is that students will have the opportunity to study for a taught MSc in Computational Science and Engineering at the University of Warwick. This will enable them to make full use of the most advanced parallel computing techniques to solve some of the most complex problems in multiphase flow. Computing resources are available at the national HEC platform HECToR as well as on local massively parallel PC clusters (> 1000 processors).
SES is a top 5* rated research school with an international reputation. The successful candidate will work with a group of highly motivated, first class research students in the areas of multiphase flow, turbulent flow and combustion in combination with high performance computing.
The School is a diverse community which is committed to creating an inclusive working and learning environment in which all individuals are equally treated and valued, and can achieve their potential. The School considers all studentship applications in relation to academic criteria and regardless of the individual’s race, gender, or belief.
Entry requirements: The studentships are available to candidates with the equivalent of a first class or upper second class degree in relevant disciplines, e.g. engineering, maths, physics and computational sciences. The studentships are at the standard EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) rate, commencing on 1 October 2008.
If you wish to discuss any details of the project informally, please contact Prof K.H.Luo (LBM studentship), Dr. J. S. Shrimpton (IBM studentship), Energy Technology Research Group, SES, University of Southampton, Email: k.h.luo[ at ] or john.shrimpton[ at ]
How to apply:
An on-line application form (or hard copy version) with guidance notes can be accessed here:
Thursday, July 10, 2008
PhD Studentships in the Energy Technology Research Group, University of Southampton, UK
11:07 PM
