The research positions announced below are related to a research
project funded by the KNAW, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Art and
Supervision of the research will be done at LabMath-Indonesia by the
senior staffs in this project:
Prof. Dr. Sri Widiyantoro (SW, ITB),
Dr. Hamzah Latief (HL, ITB),
Dr. Andonowati (ITB & LMI),
Prof. Dr. Brenny van Groesen (BvG, LMI & UTwente), Dr. Ardhasena
Sopaheluwakan (AS, LMI).
Aim of the project is to perform original research that will be
published in international journals and that is directly relevant to
improve tsunami simulations. In fact, it is generally accepted that at
present, tsunami simulations have errors of a factor of two when
compared to field measurements. One of the causes of these errors is
the generation phase: the translation of the motion of the ocean
bottom to the resulting disturbance of the water: the tsunami
generation process. At least five research positions are available to
support the research project into various aspects of this problem:
1. Benchmarking of Tsunami Codes We will compare the results and
performance of two tsunami codes: the well-validated code of Hamzah
Latief (ITB Tsunami Research Group) and the recent Variational
Boussinesq Code developed at LabMath-Indonesia. Supervisors: HL , AS &
Didit Adytia.
2. Wave generation by bottom excitations Tectonic ocean bottom motions
will possibly generate a tsunami. We will use theory and simple
simulations to learn about the horizontal influx effects that are
usually neglected but may give large energy input. Supervisors: BvG &
Didit Adytia.
3. Principles of Inverse Water Wave Modelling We use a new model for
fast and reliable uni-directional wave motion to study all aspects of
modelling: given the elevation signal at one place, find the signal at
the moment of excitation at another position. Supervisors: BvG & AS
4. Inverse modelling using buoy data for bottom excitation As in the
previous topic, but now we use real data from measurements by buoys
(deployed by Indonesia) to try to find characteristics of the tsunami
generation area and the excitation process. Supervisors: HL , SW, AS &
5. Bottom excitation from seismic data How much information can we
extract from seismic signals about the (time-dynamic) bottom
excitation. Literature search, simple models and signal analysis.
Supervisors: SW & BvG.
Candidates should be eager to be involved in this research and learn
many new topics and ideas. They should have good knowledge of
calculus/ analysis including ordinary and partial differential
equations, and be experienced in programming, for instance in Matlab.
Students or graduates with good grades in S1 or S2 from mathematics,
physics, oceanography, geosciences, engineering etc can profit very
much from this research experience. A sound scientific attitude
(critical, inventive and independent) should be accompanied by a
strong motivation and disciplined work attitude.
Candidates should send an updated CV, a copy of last degree and
academic record, proof of English proficiency and letter of motivation
before 15 June 2008 by email to:
Dr. A. Sopaheluwakan:
with cc to
Prof. van Groesen:
The researches are executed at LabMath-Indonesia, Jl. Anatomi 19, Bandung.
Including a one-month probation period, the positions are at least for
a period of 3 months (full-time) up to one year (possibly part-time).
If desired, we will support your personal development, including
improvement of English when needed, and support to find continued
study abroad (MSc or PhD). During the execution you will get valuable
experience in mathematical modelling and simulation in this exciting
area in geosciences, and will work in a stimulating environment. The
salary will depend on qualifications and performance.
This vacancy is also available online at
Monday, June 2, 2008
Research Vacancies at LabMath-Indonesia
12:27 PM
