An EPSRC DTA PhD studentship is available within the Centre for Process Analytics and Control Technology in the School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials to carry out research in the area of data analysis and predictive modeling as part of a European Integrated Research Project developing new technologies for the bio-production of renewable materials (bio-materials).
The successful candidates will join the School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials which has internationally acknowledged multi-disciplinary research teams. The research will be carried out with the process intensification and CPACT research groups.
Person Specification
Candidates should have a first-class or upper-second-class Honours degree, or equivalent, in chemical engineering or a related subject, be able to demonstrate good communication skills and be willing to work for periods of time with collaborating companies and universities across Europe. Due to funding criteria, only students from the UK and EU are eligible for this studentship.
How to apply
To apply for this studentship please complete the Universitys online postgraduate application form ( selecting PhD School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials Chemical Engineering as your programme of study and quoting the reference number CE008 and studentship title PhD Studentship Bioproduction.
Further Information
Informal enquiries can be made through Mrs. Angela Bott, Secretary, Centre for Process Analytics and Control Technology, Merz Court, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK. Tel: +44 191 222 5785; Fax: +44 191 222 5748; e-mail: a.m.bott[ at ]
Further details can be obtained from Dr Jie Zhang (jie.zhang[ at ] or Professor Julian Morris (julian.morris[ at ]
Closing date for applications is 31st July 2008.
Monday, June 2, 2008
PhD Studentship in Bioproduction, Newcastle University, UK
12:22 PM
