PhD Research Scholarship
Launched in November 2005, the SEARCA PhD Research Scholarship
provides financial support to a limited number of qualified PhD
students whose researches are relevant to the priority thrusts of
This scholarship program aims to:
Provide PhD students the opportunity to use the resources and
facilities available at SEARCA and its network of universities for
their research;
Produce quality research papers for publication; and
Enable them to work with SEARCA’s R&D personnel on mutually
identified areas of concerns/interests in agriculture and rural
Eligibility for the Grant
Any graduate student who is a citizen of any SEAMEO member country
and pursuing a PhD in agriculture or related sciences from any
university in the world is eligible to apply for the scholarship.
The applicant must have already completed his/her course work with an
approved dissertation proposal and is ready to conduct the
dissertation research.The applicant’s research must focus on any of
SEARCA’s priority thrusts under the broad themes of natural resource
management and promotion of agricultural competitiveness.
Application Requirements
Filled out Application Form (see below);
Letter of application for the research scholarship;
Recommendation letter from the Dean of Graduate School of the
university where the student is pursuing his/her degree program;
Dissertation research outline/proposal approved by the Advisory
Committee and Dean of Graduate School;
Budgetary requirement for the entire research duly attested and
recommended by the major adviser and Dean of Graduate School;
Certified transcript of academic records for all courses taken at the
PhD level;
Curriculum vitae;
Letter from the student certifying that he/she is not receiving any
other research grant from any other institution. If partial funding
has been obtained from other sources, a certification from the
funding agency indicating the amount of grant and the items in the
research that are covered by the grant; and
Research timetable indicating the activities involved in the
research, the expected date of defense and expected date of seminar
paper presentation.
Application deadlines are 1 April and 1 September.
Applications should be addressed to:
Dr. Editha C. Cedicol, Manager of Graduate Scholarship Department,
SEARCA, Los Baños 4031 Laguna, Philippines
PhD Research Scholarship
SEARCA PhD Research Scholarship application form
PhD Research Scholarship Invitation for Applications
MS/PhD Scholarships
Its people are Southeast Asia’s most potent force for progress.
Hence, agricultural human resource development has been SEARCA’s
primary goal since its establishment. SEARCA is one of the “centers
of excellence” established by SEAMEO. As such, SEARCA assists SEAMEO
member countries in producing highly trained human resources in
agriculture and related sciences to accelerate agricultural and rural
development in Southeast Asia.
Two of SEARCA’s activities that carry out this mandate are the
Graduate Study Program and the University Consortium. Both activities
are handled by the Graduate Scholarship Department (GSD).
This degree scholarship was initiated in academic year 1968-69 and
aims to ensure the relevance and responsiveness of Southeast Asia’s
agricultural scientists and professionals to global sustainable
development issues.
The program provides support for advanced studies leading to the MS
and PhD degrees in agriculture, forestry, and related fields. Thus,
SEARCA aims to prepare grantees for positions of leadership in
developing economies of SEAMEO member countries.
Applicants may also view information on benefits and privileges of
scholars, places of study, application procedures, where to apply,
recruitment procedures, and conditions of the grant.
Benefits and Privileges
The SEARCA scholarship offers the following benefits and privileges:
Financial Support covers stipend, tuition, international and domestic
travel allowances, thesis/dissertation support, book allowance, and
health insurance. The domestic travel allowance is sometimes allowed
to support registration fees in training courses/seminars/workshops.
Discounted Accommodation. Scholars are encouraged to stay at the
SEARCA Residence Hotel (SRH) to meet other graduate students of
different nationalities. Scholars who bring their families with them
can stay in SEARCA apartments, also at subsidized rental fee.
Assistance with Student Visa Processing. The Center takes care of
processing the extension of its scholars’ student visas for the
duration of their scholarship.
Computer Purchase Loan. This is given to scholars without interest
and payable to the Center in a specified number of months through
automatic stipend deduction.
In-house and Other Training Courses or Seminars. Scholars may avail
of these training courses upon request, especially in fields related
to their studies. Official functions like the weekly SEARCA
Agriculture and Development Seminar Series are also open to them.
They are, therefore, exposed to exchange of ideas outside their
Use of SEARCA Facilities. Facilities open to SEARCA scholars are the
Center’s Library and Email Room. Scholars studying at UPLB are given
free SEARCA e-mail accounts and e-mail access.
Participation in Sociocultural Activities. SEARCA scholars are
introduced to the SEARCA family through orientation/welcome party.
Being part of the SEARCA family, they are invited to the Center’s
summer outing, sportsfest, anniversary celebration, and Christmas
Counseling. Scholars who are experiencing academic difficulties and
those with personal problems may seek guidance from the Graduate
Scholarship Department.
Places of Study
Any of the following universities, as well as those that have
institutional arrangements with SEARCA, may serve as study posts of
SEARCA MS and PhD scholars:
University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)Los Baños, Laguna,
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Kasetsart University (KU)Bangkok, Thailand
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)Bogor, Indonesia
University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD)Quezon City, Philippines
University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV)Miag-ao, Iloilo,
Thammasat UniversityThailand
National University of SingaporeSingapore
University of IndonesiaJakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Five of these universities are members of the Southeast Asian
University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and
Natural Resources. SEARCA serves as the Secretariat of the University
SEARCA reserves the right to make the final decision on the choice of
ten scholars’ study post. Therefore, applicants are required to
submit to SEARCA applications for admission to the Graduate Schools
of three universities in the list.
Where to Apply
Brunei Darussalam
THE PERMANENT SECRETARYMinistry of EducationBandar Seri Begawan BB
3510Brunei DarussalamTel: (673-2) 381 060Fax: (673-2) 380 101
THE DIRECTOR OF AGRICULTUREDepartment of AgricultureMinistry of
Industry and Primary ResourcesOld Airport Berakas BB 3510Brunei
DarussalamTel: (673-2) 380 144Fax: (673-2) 382 226
THE DIRECTOR OF FORESTRYDepartment of ForestryMinistry of Industry
and Primary ResourcesJalan Menteri BesarBandar Seri Begawan BB
3910Brunei DarussalamTel: (673-2) 222687 / 222450Fax: (673-2) 241012
THE DIRECTOR OF FISHERIESDepartment of FisheriesMinistry of Industry
and Primary ResourcesJalan Menteri BesarBandar Seri Begawan BB
3910Brunei DarussalamTel: (673-2) 242067 to 8/ 243412Fax: (673-2)
THE DIRECTORCultural Relations and Scholarship DepartmentMinistry of
Education, Youth, and Sports80 Norodom BoulevardPhnom Penh,
CambodiaTel: (855-23) 820 268, 326 156Fax: (855-23) 219 576
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry and Fisheries200
Norodom Blvd.Phnom Penh, CambodiaTel: (855-12) 211 351, 211 352Fax:
(855-23) 217 320
THE MINISTERMinistry of Rural DevelopmentPRIP Office, 3rd FloorCorner
Road 169 and Russian Blvd.Phnom Penh, CambodiaTel: (855-23) 884 160,
(855-12) 938 072Fax: (855-23) 884 160
THE HEADBureau for International CooperationMinistry of Education and
CultureGedung C. Lantai 7Jln Jenderal SudirmanSenayan, Jakarta 10270
IndonesiaTel: (62-21) 581 665, 582 954, 584 477Fax: (62-21) 573 6870
THE MINISTERMinistry of AgricultureRoom No. 3, 5th Floor, Building C,
Jl. HarsonoRagunan, Pasar MingguJakarta, IndonesiaTel: (62-21) 581
665, 582 954, 584 477Fax (62-21) 573 8181, 572 0162
THE MINISTERMinistry of Forestry and Estate CropsManggala
WanabhaktiJl. Jen Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10270 IndonesiaTel: (62-21)
573 0213, 573 0475Fax: (62-21) 573 8732
THE DIRECTORDepartment of Planning and International
CooperationMinistry of Education and Sports P.O. Box 67, Lane Xang
Ave.Vientiane, Lao PDRTel: (856-21) 217 927, 212 108, 216 005Fax:
(856-21) 216 006, 212 108, 215 628
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture and ForestryP.O. Box 811, Lane
Xang Ave.Vientiane, Lao PDRTel: (856-21) 412 340Fax: (856-21) 412 341
THE SECRETARY GENERALInternational Affairs DivisionMinistry of Higher
EducationBlock E3, Parcel EThe Federal Government Administrative
Center62605 Putrajaya, MalaysiaTel: (60-3) 8883 5000Fax: (60-3) 8889
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture1st Floor, Wisma Tani, Jalan
03Sultan Salahuddin 50632Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaTel: (60-3) 2671
5000Fax: (60-3) 2691 3758
THE MINISTERMinistry of Rural Development10th Floor, Menara Aetna
UniversalJalan Raja ChulanKuala Lumpur, MalaysiaFax: (856-21) 412 341
THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL (Training)Department of Education,
Planning, and TrainingMinistry of EducationThein Byu Road, Botahtaung
TownshipYangon, MyanmarTel (95-1) 286 704, 289 538Fax: (95-1) 285 480
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture and IrrigationThirimaingalal
Lane, Yankin TownshipYangon, MyanmarTel: (95-1) 663 270Fax: (95-1)
663 984
THE MINISTERMinistry of ForestryThirimingala Lane, Kabe AyePagoda
Road, Mayangon TownshipYangon, MyanmarTel: (95-1) 289 184Fax: (95-1)
665 661
THE CHAIRCommission on Higher Education3rd Floor, Development Academy
of the Philippines (DAP) BuildingSan Miguel Ave., Pasig City,
PhilippinesTel: (63-2) 910 0823, 633 2713Fax: (63-2) 635 5829
THE SECRETARYDepartment of AgricultureElliptical Road, Diliman,
Quezon City, PhilippinesTel: (63-2) 928 8741 to 65Fax: (63-2) 929 8183
THE SECRETARYDepartment of Environment and Natural ResourcesDENR
Building, Visayas Ave.Diliman, Quezon City, PhilippinesTel: (63-2)
929 6633 to 35 / 929 6626 to 29Fax: (63-2) 420 4352
THE HEADInternational Relations Planning DivisionMinistry of
Education1 North Buona Vista DriveSingapore 138675Tel: (65-6) 879
6036Fax (65-6) 775 2457
THE DEPUTY PERMANENT SECRETARY Ministry of EducationRajdamnern
AvenueBangkok 10300, ThailandTel: (66-2) 628 5647Fax: (66-2) 281 0953
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture and CooperativesThanon
Ratchadamnoen NokBangkok 10200, ThailandTel: (66-2) 281 5884Fax: (66-
2) 280 1691
THE DIRECTORDirectorate of Tertiary EducationMinistry of Education,
Culture, Youth and SportsVilla Verde, DiliTel: (67-0) 724 4098, 723
4881Fax: (67-0) 333 9025
THE PERMANENT SECRETARYInternational Relations DivisionMinistry of
Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesFomento Building, Dili, P.O. Box
670Fax: (67-0) 390 325121
THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERALInternational Cooperation
DepartmentMinistry of Education and Training49 Dai Co Viet
StreetHanoi, VietnamTel: (84-4) 868 3620Fax: (84-4) 869 3243, 869 4085
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development2 Ngoc Ha,
Ba DinhHanoi, VietnamTel: (84-4) 823 5804Fax: (84-4) 823 0381
Application Procedure
Any interested national of a SEAMEO member country may apply for
scholarship. Applications may be submitted to any one of the
following Ministries of his/her own country:
Ministy of Education
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Forestry
Ministry of Fisheries
Ministry of Rural Development
Application forms and information brochures on the universities that
may serve as study posts of SEARCA scholars are available at these
Each applicant is required to submit the following documents:
SEARCA Scholarship Application Form (2 copies);
Application forms for admission to the Graduate School of the
universities where the applicant may pursue graduate studies under
SEARCA scholarship;
Official transcript of academic records of each degree completed (BS
transcript for MS applicants and BS and MS transcripts for PhD
Certification of employment;
A two-page write-up on agricultural competitiveness or natural
resource management;
A brief description of the research that the applicant plans to
conduct for thesis/dissertation. The research topic must be in line
with the priority thrusts of SEARCA. (SEARCA Five-Year Plan may be
viewed at
Two copies of passport-size pictures of the applicant;
Certification from a medical doctor that the applicant is in good
physical and mental health condition and is fit to undertake graduate
Official endorsement from the employer;
Results of Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): score of
550 for paper-based and 213 for computer-based) or IELTS results
(6.0). The TOEFL results must be issued by Princeton, New Jersey,
USA. Check the schedule and venue of TOEFL tests in your country at or download
copy of the schedule here .
Application Forms
SEARCA - download
UP Los Baños Graduate School (UPLB GS)
- UPLB GS Form No. 1 (Application) download
- UPLB GS Form No. 2 (Recommendation) download
- UPLB GS Form No. 3 (English Proficiency) download
UP Diliman (UPD)
- College of Science download
- School of Economics download
UP Visayas (UPV)
- Graduate Program in Fisheries download
- Graduate Program in Marine Affairs download
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) - Graduate Program download
Kasetsart University (KU) - Graduate Program download
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) - Graduate Program download
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) - Graduate Program download
Contact detail:
Graduate Scholarship Department of SEARCA via
email at or
More info:
Friday, June 6, 2008
MS/PhD scholarships at SEARCA
7:05 PM
