A new group (Epitaxy and Physics of Nanostructures) was established in January 2007 at Tyndall National Institute (http://www.tyndall.ie) under an SFI (http://www.sfi.ie/home/index.asp) Principal Investigator grant. The group is led by Dr. E. Pelucchi. The research will concentrate on the epitaxy, optical properties and spectroscopy of site controlled Pyramidal quantum dots and wires [1] and on their extension to telecommunication wavelengths.
This novel approach to site controlled quantum wires and dots (QD) growth has been pioneered by Dr Pelucchi in the group of Prof Kapon in EPFL, using MOVPE growth on a pre-patterned substrate to achieve reproducible QD emission spectra with, for example, the lowest inhomogeneous broadening to date for a QD epitaxial field. The high level of growth control makes such nanostructures ideal candidates for studies and devices related to quantum communication/information processing (efficient single photon emission being a good example), enabling the achievement of atom-like energy states whose energy and electronic wavefunction can be engineered at the nanoscale level by acting on a few parameters, so that the dots can, in principle, be individually and unambiguously (optically and electrically) addressed and controlled.
[1] M. Baier, E. Pelucchi, S. Watanabe, and E. Kapon, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1943 (2004); M. Merano, S. Sonderegger, A. Crottini, S. Collin, P. Renucci, E. Pelucchi, A. Malko, M. Baier, E. Kapon, B. Deveaud, J-D. Ganière, Nature 438, 479 (2005); Q. Zhu, E. Pelucchi, S. Dalessi, K. Leifer, M.-A. Dupertuis and E. Kapon, Nano Lett. 6, 1036 (2006).
The PhD position is open for candidates of EU nationalities. We welcome applications from talented candidates with strong motivation and experimental skills.
Please email or send (max 500 kB) a CV with the address of at least one reference to:
Dr. Emanuele Pelucchi, SFI Principal Investigator
Tyndall National Institute, Lee Maltings, Cork, Ireland
Email: emanuele.pelucchi[ at ]tyndall.ie
Monday, June 2, 2008
PhD Position in Physics of Nanostructures, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland
12:24 PM
