Post Doctoral position BGG-1*/: Bioinformatics for the melon project
The BGG is part of the Melonomics project, a project sponsored by Genoma
España to sequence the melon genome. Sequencing will be performed using
a combination of the traditional BAC based approach, and the new
sequencing technologies (454 and solexa).
The main task of the candidate will be to use available tools, as well
as to develop appropriate tools for genome assembly and gene annotation.
The candidate should have a very strong background in comparative
genomics, and should be familiar with the most common tools for genome
assembly and gene finding and annotation. The candidate should also be
very skilled with scripting languages. A background in Plant Genomics is
a plus.
10 La Caixa-CRG fellowships available to carry our PhD studies in the
CRG International PhD program
Deadline for applications: January 18, 2009
Information and application forms available at
(1) Centre de Regulacio Genomica (2) Grup de Recerca en Informatica
Biomedica (IMIM and UPF)
Dr. Aiguader, 88 +34 93 3160168 ph
+34 93 3160110 ph secretary
E-08003 Barcelona +34 93 3969983 fax
Monday, December 8, 2008
Post Doctoral position BGG-1:Bioinformatics for the melon project 2009/2010
6:30 PM
