Berlin Scholarships 2009: For the academic year 2009/2010 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin once again announces 30 “Berlin Scholarships” with the support of the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future”.
The Program
Berlin-Scholarships by the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future”
The international program “Berlin Scholarships” allows students to study for one year at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin or at one of its partner institutions: Freie Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Universität der Künste Berlin, and Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft Berlin. Along with their studies in Berlin the scholarship holders will work in groups together on a project with the topic “Excluded and Persecuted: Finding Responses to the Experience in 20th Century Europe”.
Scholarship holders will have the opportunity to carry out their study proposals by attending courses at one of the five partner institutions in Berlin. International applicants’ study proposals should be developed according to their home university’s academic requirements.
Students born or raised in Germany will simply continue their regular studies in Berlin. The program begins on September 1, 2009 and ends on July 31, 2010.
Annual Topic
“Excluded and Persecuted: Responses to the Experiences in 20th Century Europe”
The 20th century was marked by periods of violence and injustice caused by the exclusion and persecution of various political, religious, and ethnical groups. While applicable to dictatorships in other European countries, this is particularly true for the period of National Socialism in Germany during which the domestic process of exclusion and persecution was universalized with the beginning of World War II in 1939.
The project is centered around the question of how we are to deal with this kind of historical injustice today. To what extent do current legislation, educational systems, national or international conventions and acts of public remembering reflect these experiences of tyranny?
How relevant are the experiences of the past to anti-discriminatory organization? How do artists reflect historical injustice and what are the conclusions they draw from their work?
And which questions still remain unanswered?
The goal of the project is to critically look at historical research, political debates, art and literature to see how much has been learned from the past.
Application Requirements
The program is directed at students from all fields of study, who have a special interest in the history of National Socialism. We strongly encourage descendants of victims of forced labor and other victims of the National Socialist regime to apply. Additionally, applicants should have an excellent student record, a good command of German, and should be involved in societal engagements.
1. Application requirements
2. Application documents
All international students, particularly from Eastern European countries, the CIS states, Israel and the United States may apply. For the first time, the program will also be open to students born or raised in Germany, who are already enrolled at one of the five Berlin partner institutions.
Along with their applications, applications are asked to submit first ideas and suggestions for the project work emphasizing their interest in the annual topic. Projects will be worked on together in small groups. Based on common interests and students’ initial ideas, project groups will be defined at the beginning of the semester within the framework of the project seminar.
The Scholarship
The scholarship covers a one-year study enrollment, a monthly stipend of 700 Euros for the duration of 11 months, and an accompanying program of social and cultural activities throughout the year.
International students in addition receive a subsidy towards travel expenses. Also an intensive German language course introducing German culture and society will be held prior to the beginning of the winter semester.
The Application
Application Requirements
* Students of all academic field (applications by doctoral students are not possible)
o International students, particularly from Central and Eastern European countries, the CIS states, Israel and the United States
o Students born or raised in Germany already enrolled in one of the five Berlin partner institutions (HU,FU, TU, UdK, FHW)
* Provide proof of an active interest in the themes Forced Labor and National Socialism.
We especially encourage descendants of victims of forced labor and other victims of the National Socialist regime to apply.
* Have an excellent academic record
* Applicants should have a good command of the German language
* Proof of at least three semesters of study at the time of application
* Document societal, political or voluntary engagement
* Proof of enrollment at an institution of Higher Education
* Applicants should not be older than 26 years when program begins on September 1, 2009 (no later born than September 1, 1982). In individual cases, military service or children’s care may be added to the age limit.
Application Documents
Please submit two copies of your application documents (one original set/ notarized set AND one photocopied set).
1. Application Form /form can be downloaded from at
a) Personal data
b) Curriculum Vitae
c) Letter of Motivation
d) Study proposal
e) Essay about project proposal incorporating annual topic
f) Transcript
2. Letter of Recommendation by two professors/ teachers of your home institution
3. Proof of academic record/ Transcript
4. current proof of enrollment
International applicants additionally submit:
5. Language Proficiency Certificate “Deutsch”
6. applicants who would like to study at the Universität der Künste (UdK) are required to submit a Letter of Acceptance by a professor of the UdK (for more information please contact:
Application deadline:
January 31, 2009 (receipt stamp at HU)
It is each applicant’s individual responsibility to ensure application submission by January 31, 2009 (receipt stamp of Humboldt-Universität). Please also note that application documents will not be mailed back.
Please send two copies of your complete application to the following address:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Abteilung Internationales
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
You can find further information regarding the program and the necessary application forms on the internet at:
Information about program details is also provided by the Program Coordinators:
Annett Peschel und Julia Wunderer
Tel.: +49 30 2093 -2171/-2960
Fax: +49 30 2093 2780
For detailed information about the course catalog or the teaching and research profile of the participating universities, please visit their websites at:
Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future”
The Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” is an expression of the responsibility of the state, industry and society to continue to confront National Socialist injustice and to work for understanding between peoples. The Foundation supports international projects in the following areas: A critical examination of history, Working for democracy and human rights and Humanitarian commitment to the victims of National
Socialism. The Foundation was established in 2000 to make payments to former forced labourers. The payments were completed in 2007. The Foundation’s capital of EUR 5.2 billion was provided by the German government and German industry.
Program Coordinators “Berlin-Scholarships” at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:
Annett Peschel and Julia Wunderer
Fon: +49 30 2093 -2171/-2960
Fax: +49 30 2093 2780
Email: evz(at)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Abteilung Internationales
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Monday, December 8, 2008
Berlin Scholarships 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
7:34 PM
