The project “*Consequences of Phosphorus Reduction for the Dynamic Transfer
of Organic Matter between Primary Producers and Primary Consumers*” is part
of the Sea and Coast Programme of the Netherlands Organisation for
Scientific Research (NWO).
In this project, we will investigate how phosphate availability regulates
the productivity and composition of functional groups of phytoplankton and
microphytobenthos in the western and central Wadden Sea. The implications of
phosphate related species selection on the food web structure and the
carrying capacity of the Wadden Sea will be addressed by defining the
transfer of microalgal carbon to various development stages of selected
benthic primary consumers. New views on the functioning of the lower food
web are to be conceptualized in a biogeochemical model and provide essential
information on the direction and magnitude of change in Wadden Sea carrying
capacity as a result of management policies and global change.
*PhD-student 1* (vacancy number CEME-MM-08428) will study the primary
production and the group specific production by using a combination of
techniques making use of variable fluorescence and stable isotope labelling
of biomarkers and will also investigate the factors limiting algae growth.
Primary location: NIOO-CEME, Yerseke.
*PhD-student 2* (vacancy number NIOZ-08429) will investigate the production
of benthic microalgae (MPB) using oxygen microsensors and will investigate
the effect of MPB on sediment water exchange. These processes will be used
by the PhD-student to develop a biogeochemical model describing the
processes. Primary location: NIOZ, Texel.
*PhD-student 3* (vacancy number NIOZ-08430) will investigate the transfer of
primary organic carbon to various larval stages of marine bivalves as
representatives of primary consumers. This transfer will be studied for
various compositions of food (algae), and the consequences of P limitation
will be evaluated in terms of growth and development rates of the larvae.
Primary location: NIOZ, Texel.
*The appointment will be initially for 1 year, which will be extended to 4
year provided that the applicant has proven to be well suited for the job.
The project will start in January 2009.
*Salary: *
The gross salary starts at approx. € 2.000,- per month in the 1st year, and
will gradually increase to a maximum of approx. € 2.600,- per month in the
4th year. Conditions are based on the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch
Universities (NIOO) or the Collective Employment Agreement for Research
Institutes (NIOZ).
*Information: *
More information and a complete project description can be obtained for PhD1
from the projectleader Dr Jacco Kromkamp (,
+31-113-577481), for PhD2 from Dr Eric Epping (,
31-222-369444) or from Dr Karline Soetaert (,
+31-113-577487), and for PhD3 from Dr Katja Philippart (,
*Written applications including CV, reference list and vacancy number should
be sent to Prof. Dr C.H.R. Heip, director NIOO-CEME, P.O. Box 140, 4400 AC
Yerseke, The Netherlands or by e-mail to*.
Monday, December 8, 2008
3 PhD-Students in Netherland
7:23 PM
