At Aalborg University, The Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Business Studies several positions as PhD Scholarships within the field of Inter-cultural Management (positions no. 2008-562/05-0240 & 241) are open for appointment from 01.02.2009.
Job description: The two positions are part of a new Grundfos Programme in Inter-cultural Management at Aalborg University and cover the following topics: Position no 2008-562/05-0240 Cross-border Organisation and Management of R&D Activities: The Case of Grundfos A/S Position no 2008-562/05-0241 Managing Networks of Relations Between Global Production Subsidiaries of Grundfos A/S - From Culture as a Barrier to Culture as Synergy The two PhD positions will have Grundfos A/S as their empirical basis. The first position will focus on the global R&D subsidiaries of Grundfos with a particular emphasis on how to organize and manage global innovation centres. Specifically, the study must include the following issues:
• How to move from a centralised to a global strategy and organisation
• How to enhance customer driven R&D within Grundfos A/S, and
• How to utilise inter-cultural synergies between the R&D centres located in different parts of the world.
The second position will study the integration and coordination of the global production subsidiaries of Grundfos A/S, focusing particularly on how to build a global management model. Specifically, the study must include the following issues:
• How to enhance global efficiency and process innovation at the production level of the company.
• How fare can you go in the traditional team approach when the team daily are working in different cultures and several different destinations.
• How to utilise inter-cultural synergies between the production subsidiaries located in different parts of the world.
For more information on Grundfos A/S, see
The applicants will be enrolled as PhD students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Aalborg University and will be attached to the Centre for International Business, Department of Business Studies. (See for detail information about the Centre for International Business). The two positions aim to strengthen the research and teaching capacities within the field of inter-cultural management. One of the two candidates will be employed by Aalborg University, and the other by Grundfos A/S. Applicants are expected to have strong analytical abilities and exhibit high degrees of independence and maturity in their research work. They are also expected to be capable of collaborating closely with industry and managers.
Qualification requirements: The PhD scholarship has a duration of three years. Applicants to the PhD scholarship must hold a Master s degree or graduate with a Master s degree in the very near future (documentation for final thesis and date of examination must be enclosed the application). The completion of the scholarship will be in accordance with the Ministerial Order on the PhD Course of Study and on the PhD Degree no 18 of 14 January 2008, and it is a prerequisite for allocation of a scholarship that enrolment as a PhD student at the Faculty of Social Sciences takes place. Application requirements: Applications for enrolment and allocation of a scholarship must be submitted in three copies and contain the following:
• A personal statement, including the motives for the application, the ability to carry out the project (scientifically and personally) as well as ability to integrate theory and practice in research work.
• An indication of which of the two positions the applicant is applying for. (Applicants are legible to apply for both positions as well)
• A preliminary project description (max 3 pages) giving a brief reflections over how the applicant would address the issues outlined under the topic (s) chosen.
• Applicants curriculum vitae
• A copy of the applicant s Master s degree certificate
• A copy of the applicant s Master s degree thesis and published articles (if any)
• Two references informing about the applicant s personality, and professional capabilities.
• documentation for and information on activities regarding credit transfer with a view to reducing the enrolment period
• information on previous enrolment as PhD student If publications that have been written in cooperation with others are submitted, a declaration from each of the authors must be enclosed. The declaration must state the extent of the applicant s contribution to the total work and be signed by the
Appointment and salary acc. to Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities of 25 April 2008 and The Ministry of Finance Circular concerning the job structure for academic staff at universities of 13 June 2007. Salary will be acc. to the agreements in force.
You may obtain further information from Professor John Kuada ( or Professor Olav Jull Sørensen (
Application marked PhD scholarship no. 2008-562/05-0240 & 241 and title, including diploma and other material for assessment must be submitted in three copies, compiled in sets, and must arrive at Aalborg University with the morning post by the 10.12.2008.
Application is to be forwarded to :
Aalborg Universitet Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Fibigerstræde 5 DK-9220 Aalborg Øst
Monday, December 8, 2008
PhD Positions in Intercultural Management 2009/2010
7:33 PM
