Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Centre for Quantifiable Quality of Service in Communication Systems
Centre of Excellence
Multiple scholarships
At NTNU, Centre for Quantifiable Quality of Service in Communication
Systems there are multiple vacant scholarships for PhD studies. The
Centre is a Centre of Excellence (CoE) under the scheme initiated by
The Research Council of Norway to enable Norwegian research groups to
carry on long-term, basic research at a high international standard.
The Centre deals with Quality of Service (QoS) issues in
heterogeneous, multilayered networks where packet switching technology
is employed. The Centre works within the following areas: new network
structures, multimedia signal processing, dependability, traffic and
information security as applied to multiparty communication between
stationary and mobile users. The Centre presently has around 35
scientists including professors, postdocs, PhD candidates and visiting
The Centre invites promising PhD candidates having completed a
university education, i.e. a master’s degree (with honours) or
equivalent, or being about to graduate in an area that is relevant to
our research mentioned above, to join the Centre to work with
challenging research tasks in a stimulating and international working
environment. Your main task will be the research, but you will be
given the opportunity to also acquire some teaching experience. During
the three year period you will have the opportunity to broaden your
knowledge by joining international exchange programs, to participate
in national and international conferences and workshops, and to visit
other research institutes and universities worldwide.
For further information about the Centre see the Centre’s website at
At present, The Centre has vacant PhD scholarships within the following areas:
“Network Media Handling”,
focusing on virtual worlds. Within this topic it will be possible to
combine and integrate work within one of the four challenges or
virtual worlds;
Technology (3D rendering, advanced distribution models)
Quality (perceptual evaluation and management)
A User perspective (Social computing, User participation, User
generated content)
Applications (scenarios for virtual words including gaming and health care)
The work will be jointly conducted with Center for Advanced Media
Research Amsterdam - CAMeRA, at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Contacts: Professor Peter Svensson, Dept. of Electronics and
Telecommunications, phone +47 735 90546, email:
or Professor Andrew Perkis, Dept. of Electronics and
Telecommunications, phone +47 735 92383, email:
“QoS Mechanisms for Dynamic Networks”,
encompassing QoS issues in an interdomain context. The focus will be
on dependability and resource allocation both in unicast and multicast
architectures. A related area will be suitable monitoring and
measurement techniques for such contexts. Further, we are also
interested in another potential line of investigation directed toward
ensuring QoS in network and service access, taking into account
mobility and heterogeneity in access technology as well as operator
domain issues. As above, the focus will be on dependability and
resource allocation.
Contacts: Professor Øivind Kure, Dept. of Telematics, phone +47 64 84
47 36, email: or Professor Bjarne E. Helvik, Dept.
of Telematics, phone +47 735 92667, email:
“Quality Assessment”,
encompassing activities on assessing and ensuring QoS. The focus is on
assessing QoS through analysis and measurements, and developing
network architectures ensuring QoS. Potential topics include source
and traffic characterization, network information theory with emphasis
on network calculus, cross-layer QoS, coordinated QoS, future Internet
networks, as well as media source~s interaction with the network and
traffic handling in the network. (Applicants with strong background in
mathematics or (tele-) communication, in addition to networking, are
also welcome.) Contact Professor Yuming Jiang, Dept. of Telematics,
phone +47 735 92724, email:
Preferably, indicate which areas and problems are of most interest.
Further information about the scholarships and the Centre is also
obtainable from the Director of the Centre, Professor Svein J.
Knapskog, Dept. of Telematics, phone +47 735 94328, email:
We are looking for well qualified applicants, and offer excellent
terms and conditions. Candidates are encouraged to publish and
participate at international research conferences/seminars.
Applicable for all scholarships: PhD candidates are normally engaged
for three years, with a possible extension to 4 years with 25%
assistant teaching duties at the cooperating University Departments in
accordance with individual agreements. The teaching duties are
primarily associated with relevant graduate and undergraduate courses,
and are normally assigned with a proportionally larger share in the
first half of the period of engagement.
NTNU would like to increase the number of females in academic
positions. Women are therefore especially encouraged to apply. The
Public Sector employees shall as far as possible reflect the diversity
in the population. Therefore, it is a personnel policy goal to obtain
a balanced mix of age and gender, and to recruit persons with
immigrant background. Persons with immigrant background are encouraged
to apply.
Wages are negotiated individually. The PhD scholarships are placed in
salary code 1017, at level 43-59 on the Norwegian State Salary Scale.
This amounts to an annual gross salary of NOK 325 600 - 431 500. The
student will be liable to pay personal income tax in Norway. There is
a compulsory deduction of 2% for the State Pension Fund.
The appointment will be made in accordance with current regulations
with supplementary rules for research fellowship appointments in
universities and polytechnics.
The goal of each of the announced positions is to obtain a PhD degree.
Applicants must commit themselves to participate in an organized
doctoral programme in the period of engagement. The engagement is to
be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State
Employees and Civil Servants. A contract of employment will be set up
for the engagement period regulating the rights and duties of the PhD
The application should contain information about education, exams and
previous work experience. Certified copies of certificates and
testimonials must be enclosed. As a minimum a CV togehter with
certificates for completed bachelor and master’s degrees are required.
Publications and other scientific works which the applicant wants to
be considered at the appraisal should be enclosed, preferably in three
copies. Joint works will be considered. However, if it is difficult to
identify contributions from individuals in the joint work, the
applicant should enclose a short descriptive summary of his/her
Applications should be sent to: Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and
Electrical Engineering, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway. The file number for
the position, IME-005-2008, should be explicitly stated on the
application. The application deadline is 2008-03-17
Friday, March 7, 2008
PhD Scholarships in Telematics, NTNU, Norway
3:06 PM
