Fisher Scholarships: MSc in Mathematical Finance
Department of Economics and School of Mathematics
The University of Birmingham’s MSc in Mathematical Finance teaches
technically trained graduates - including in Mathematics, Science and
Engineering - to apply their quantitative skills to financial analysis.
Successful completion of the MSc will qualify students to work in
quantitative analysis in City of London
Recent advances in theoretical finance and computing power have moved
quantitative analysis from the margins of the financial world to its
core. Rigorous quantitative analysis is now involved in everything from
the design and pricing of individual assets to the optimisation of whole
portfolios. Birmingham’s MSc in Mathematical Finance gives highly
motivated, high performing students an opportunity to work in this area.
It is taught by two top ranked institutions - its School of Mathematics
and its Department of Economics. Students take core courses in
financial econometrics, mathematical finance and computational methods.
Optional modules allow them to hone further their technical skills (e.g.
further mathematical finance) or to broaden their economic understanding
(e.g. macroeconomics).
The MSc accepts students on the basis of quality rather than quantity.
In 2007-08, only one in six applicants were offered places. Thanks to a
generous private gift from Andrew Fisher (Birmingham economics 1982; CEO
Towry Law), six Fisher Scholarships covering full tuition fees are
available. Applicants with first class degrees are automatically
considered for Fisher Scholarships as well as internal scholarships
offered by the Economics Department, covering from a quarter to full
tuition fees. In both cases, scholarships are awarded to the most able
applicants, regardless of nationality. Home, EU and overseas students
all pay the same fees. This fee structure ensures that the most
qualified applicants are accepted, regardless of nationality.
Prospective students are encouraged to apply online via the MSc’s
Those outside the OECD are encouraged to post any additional material
that would help us evaluate their application, including results of
standardised assessments such as the GRE and CVs. Non-native speakers
of English must attain an IELTS score of 6.5, with no less than 6 in any
band. financial institutions, such as banks and hedge funds, or for
postgraduate research in mathematical finance.
More information on funding opportunities is provided by the Student
Funding Office . The International Office maintains a list of scholarships to which international students may apply.
Applications are accepted on a continuous basis for study to begin in
late September.
Learn more
Emma Steadman, Department of Economics
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston B15 2TT
Tel: 0121 414 6650 E-mail:
Monday, March 3, 2008
Fisher Scholarships: MSc in Mathematical Finance, UK
8:57 AM
