A PhD research fellowship is offered in the field of underwater acoustic communication and underwater sensor network at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (http://www.iet.ntnu.no), Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Recent developments in information and communication technology have opened new possibilities for observation and monitoring of the marine environment. New concepts, based on autonomous sensors working together in wireless communication networks are becoming feasible for monitoring of oceanographic and environmental parameters and for estimation of fish and plankton abundance.
The goal of this PhD project is to participate in the development of new marine observation methodology based on autonomous sensors and underwater communication networks. The fields of underwater acoustics, signal processing and electronics are particular relevant fields in this context. We seek highly motivated individuals holding a master’s degree in physics, telecommunications or other relevant disciplines. A previous experience in underwater acoustic communication system and/or instrumentation is preferred.
A PhD fellowship at NTNU is normally awarded for 3-4 years with 0-25% of the time spent on teaching and other academic work for the department. The objective of the fellowship is to obtain a PhD degree, hence the successful applicant must be enrolled as a PhD candidate at NTNU. See also information about PhD education at NTNU at
The candidate will be associated with the Acoustics Group at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at NTNU and will work in a rich scientific environment through collaboration with other departments at the university as well as industrial companies. The candidate will benefit from a strong and multidisciplinary training.
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Professor Hefeng Dong by email:
dong[ at ]iet.ntnu.no or by telephone + 47 73 59 44 53 for further information.
Award holders at NTNU are normally appointed for up to 4 years with 25% of the time spent on specified work. This work is primarily linked to teaching and is usually divided so that a relatively large part is done in the first half of the period of the appointment.
The appointment is at code 1017, salary level 43-58 in the national salary scheme, gross NOK. 325.600 – 423.800 per annum (1 NOK ~ 0.125 EUR), and are normally remunerated at wage level 43 of which 2% is deducted for the State Pension scheme. The salary might be adjusted after negotiation with the employer to reflect the applicant’s experience.
The appointment will be made in accordance with current regulations with supplementary rules for research fellowship appointments in universities and polytechnics. Applicants must agree to participate in organised doctoral study programs within the period of the appointment. The successful applicant must agree to the conditions laid down for public employees. A contract will be drawn up regarding the period of appointment and work-related duties for award holders.
The national labour force must reflect the composition of the population to the greatest possible extent. It is therefore a major political objective to achieve a balance of age and gender and to recruit persons with an immigrant background. Immigrants are encouraged to apply for this post. NTNU wants to increase the proportion of women in its scientific posts. Women are encouraged to apply.
The application must contain information about education, examinations and previous experience. Certified copies of certificates and documents must be attached. Copies of publications and any other work which the applicant wishes to be taken into account should also be enclosed. Joint works will be considered. If it is difficult to specify the input of the applicant in a joint work, a short summary should be attached outlining the applicant’s input.
Applications are to be sent to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway. Applications should be marked Jnr. IME-006-2008.
Closing date: 15 March 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
PhD Position in Underwater Acoustic Communication, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
8:54 AM
