We are looking for an excellent PhD candidate with a background in programming and algorithms.
We have an open position for 3 years in the ParComb project. The project is aimed at designing parallel algorithms for combinatorial problems in scientific computing. The type of problems studied includes, among others, different kinds of coloring and matching problems motivated from applications in scientific computing. The successful candidate will cooperate in developing and implementing working codes that can be used in applied research. For specific information about the project see: http://www.ii.uib.no/parcomb.
Applicants should hold a M.Sc. degree or similar and is expected to work within this project and enter a PhD study. The PhD thesis should be submitted for defense within the 3-year period of the position. A plan for the PhD study will be developed in cooperation with the scientists within the project.
As part of the PhD study the candidate should spend 6 month at the Old Dominion University, USA, working with professor Alex Pothen. Thus an applicant must be eligible to obtain a visa to the USA.
Salary will be paid in accordance with level 43 on the Norwegian government salary scale currently equivalent to NOK 325.800 pr. annum (before tax) which is about 41,000 Euro or 57,000 USD. Payment may be regulated on basis of seniority according to the public wage scale 43-46.
There are no teaching duties. Knowledge of the Norwegian language is not necessary as the working language will be English. The Algorithms group at the Department of Informatics, UiB, has currently 4 professors, 5 postdocs, 8 PhD students, as well as several master students. The group represent a mix of several nationalities (Brazil, China, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, India, Italy, Norway, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Turkey).
For further information about the scientific contents, expectations and requirements for the position, please contact Fredrik Manne (e-mail: Fredrik.Manne @ ii.uib.no).
website link:
Monday, October 8, 2007
Ph.D. position in Combinatorial Scientific Computing at the University
5:07 AM
