Master Degree Scholarship for 2008-2009 - Marywood University Awards will be made on the basis of three factors: academic promise, normally represented by a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.00 or a graduate GPA of 3.50; professional focus and commitment; and financial need (required for specific scholarships).
File a complete admissions application. It is fully expected that each prospective student who is a scholarship applicant will have a complete admissions application on file with the Office of Graduate Admissions by February 14, 2008. The admissions application provides the supporting documentation necessary to evaluate a scholarship application.
Complete the scholarship application electronically. The scholarship application itself is on a secure server. You must press “yes” if your browser asks you if you wish to display secure items, otherwise Marywood University will not receive any of the information you type on the application upon submission.
If you declare full-time status on the scholarship application, enrollment in nine or more credits in the Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 semesters or what your graduate department defines as full enrollment in structured programs, and are awarded a full-time status scholarship and enroll for less than full-time registration in either of these semesters your scholarship award will be reduced.
2008-2009 Graduate Scholarship Application
Master’s Degree, Educational Specialist Degree, and Post-Baccalaureate Certification Students
(Not School of Social Work Students, Speech-Language Pathology Students, and
Physician Assistant Students)
All material must be submitted by February 14, 2008.
The Committee on Graduate Scholarships expects part-time status students who are scholarship recipients to complete at least nine credits during the 2007-2008 academic year. Your academic progress in 2007-2008 will be considered in scholarship renewal.
Email a scholarship essay as a Microsoft Word document. Please type an essay (300-500 words) clarifying the relationship between your life-goals and graduate education at Marywood. Your essay will also be judged on depth of expression and use of the English language. Your essay must clearly address the following areas:
1. Describe your professional work background and experience.
2. Describe your community leadership activities. Indicate if a volunteer activity.
3. Describe any commendations and appreciation awards as well as undergraduate and graduate academic awards and honors.
4. Describe any special projects, demonstrations, workshops, recitals, exhibits, or whatever may be appropriate to your area to indicate your abilities and interests.
5. What are your short and long range career goals and objectives?
6. What attracted you to your Marywood program as a vehicle for achieving your goals?
Email the essay in Microsoft Word to gradscholarship @ Your essay should contain your name, social security number, and field of study at the top of the page.
If you have any questions about completing these forms, please contact Mr. Frank Falcone at gradscholarship @ or (570) 348-6211 ext. 2356.
Scholarship selection results will be mailed in early April 2008. Scholarships are available for use beginning Fall 2008; they may only be used to defray tuition for Marywood courses.
Students awarded graduate assistantships for the 2008-2009 academic year who accept those positions are not eligible to receive scholarship awards as well.
Marywood University undergraduate students who are enrolled in formal five-year programs are automatically eligible for at least forty percent of their undergraduate merit award or higher for their fifth year of study at the graduate level provided they are admitted to the master’s level by their academic department.
Neither scholarship nor assistantship awards are renewed automatically each year. It is the responsibility of the student to reapply each academic year.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Master Degree Scholarship 2008-2009 USA
10:16 AM
