We are interested in candidates with experience in experimental research on low temperature solid state nanocircuits, quantum optics or trapped atoms/ions, with an interest in nanofabrication. We may consider hiring a theory post-doc with strong interest in experimental manipulation and measurement, for a limited period. The main focus for a new post-doc will be defined in accordance with his/her interest and the needs of the project.
In Delft we have developed superconducting flux quantum bits. These nanofabricated qubits behave as quantum two-level systems, their coherence time can be microseconds while they can be operated in nanoseconds. Very recently we have developed dispersive readout that allows quantum non-demolition measurement. We also very recently have realized a controlled-NOT gate for two qubits. However, many fundamental questions remain to be answered and many practical aspects need improvement. In the near future we will improve control of the qubits and study entanglement and temporal correlations, back-action of the measurement process, interaction with a harmonic oscillator, the optimal lay-out for a practical multi-qubit quantum information processor. We also want to investigate new designs such as the phase-slip qubit.
Our team at present consists of three senior investigators Hans Mooij, Kees Harmans and Ad Verbruggen (materials aspects), two post-docs and four PhD students. We are part of the Quantum Transport Group where also quantum dot spin qubits and nanowires are investigated. We are members of the FOM concentration group Delft-Leiden on Solid State Quantum Information and the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience. In the EU-supported integrated project EuroSQIP we collaborate intensively with European groups. Within EuroSQIP we have three post-doc positions available.
Information is available on the QT website http://kavli.nano.tudelft.nl, from Kees Harmans (c.j.p.m.harmans[ at ]tudelft.nl, tel. +31 15 2785195) and from Hans Mooij (j.e.mooij[ at ]tudelft.nl, tel. +31 15 2786153).
Applications should be addressed to
prof. J.E. Mooij
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience
DelftUniversityof Technology
2628 CJ Delft , The Netherlands
j.e.mooij[ at ]tudelft.nl
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Postdoc Positions in Quantum Information Processing with Superconducting Circuits, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
8:06 AM
