Karlstad University invites applications for:
Two Ph.D. positions in Computer Science with specializations in Privacy & IT Security and in Computer Networking
1) PhD position in Privacy & IT Security, 100% , Reference FAK1 2008/176
The Ph.D. position is available within the Privacy & Security Group at the Department of Computer Science at Karlstad University.The Privacy & Security Group is focusing on privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs), network and operating system security, as well as usability of security & PETs.
Qualifications: Qualified for this position are candidates with a University degree of 240 ECTS, from which at least 60 ECTS were awarded for courses at advanced level and have a Master’s degree or the Swedish Magister or Civilingenjör Degrees in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or equivalent. Qualified are also those candidates who have achieved corresponding degrees and/or knowledge in Sweden or abroad.
Knowledge or experience in some of the areas of IT security, wireless communication security, PETs or usability of security & PETs is desirable.
2) PhD position in Computer Networking, 100% , Reference FAK1 2008/175
The Ph.D. position is available within the Distributed Systems and Communications Research Group (DISCO) at the Department of Computer Science at Karlstad University. Research within DISCO is focused on development of transport and application layer protocols, cross-layer interactions and the design of future 4G wireless systems, including Wireless Mesh and AdHoc Networks.
Qualifications: Qualified for this position are candidates with a University degree of 240 ECTS, from which at least 60 ECTS were awarded for courses at advanced level and have a Master’s degree or the Swedish Magister or Civilingenjör Degrees in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or equivalent. Qualified are also those candidates who have achieved corresponding degrees and/or knowledge in Sweden or abroad.
Some background in computer networking or telecommunication as well as good programming skills is required for the position. Knowledge or experience in some of the areas of transport or application layer protocols, wireless networks, cross layer interactions or performance evaluation of computer networks is desirable.
Admission (for both positions): On the basis of individual assessment of the candidates’ abilities to successfully pass the research education. The earliest date for filling the position is the 1st April 2009. The position is limited to 4 years, but can be prolonged for up to one more year, if the PhD student also takes on other research, teaching or administrative tasks besides his/her PhD research. Those tasks should not exceed 20% of the time of a full-time position.
Application: Your application should contain a cover letter motivating your reasons for applying, a CV, copies of your degrees, a list of attended courses with grades and dates, if applicable copies of publications or proofs of other achievements, and reference letters or contact addresses of reference persons. Please also refer to the position that you want to apply for.
More information:
Professor Simone Fischer Hübner: Simone.Fischer-Huebner[ at ]kau.se (for the PhD position in Privacy & IT Security)
Professor Anna Brunstrom: Anna.Brunstrom[ at ]kau.se (for the PhD position in Computer Networking).
Union representative for SACO Thomas Wennstam (Thomas.Wennstam[ at ]kau.se) and for OFR Barbro Berglund (Barbro.Berglund[ at ]kau.se).
All persons are available at +46 54-700 10 00.
Applications with Reference Numbers should be sent to:
Karlstad university
Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT
Closing date: 2009-02-08.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
PhD Positions in Privacy, IT Security and in Computer Networking, Karlstad University, Sweden
7:42 AM
