The Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel (IFM-GEOMAR), is offering 1 PhD position or half Post-doc in the field of transport modelling in the research unit “Marine Meteorology” (working group: Ocean-Middle Atmosphere interaction) of the research division “Ocean Circu-lation and Climate Dynamics”.
Job Description/ Duties
The research is proposed within the WGL project TransBrom (”Very short lived bro-mine compounds in the ocean and their transport pathways into the stratosphere” (
The applicant will investigate the real contribution of marine emissions of very short lived substances on the stratospheric bromine content with the help of coupled chem-istry climate models (CCMs). A Lagrangian transport model will be used for the evaluation of future changes of transport pathways from short lived brominated source gases from the ocean and their entry points into the stratosphere. Different CCMs will be used and compared with each other (i.e. a multi-model mean ap-proach). The CCM simulations are carried out in the framework of CCMVal („CCM Validation“ an initiative of SPARC, The main focus will be on the analysis of atmospheric dynamics e.g. on the tropical tropopause layer and on the convection.
She/ he will carry out the Lagrangian transport studies, joining a team of scientists in Kiel, collaborating with national and international partners. The successful applicant is expected to analyse the model data and participate in the writing of scientific articles.
» PhD applicants must have a Diplom or comparable degree in meteorology, mathematics, physics, computer science or from related scientific fields.
» Knowledge of transport processes in general, the atmospheric circulation (Hadley and Brewer-Dobson circulation) and of the Tropical Tropopause Layer would be of benefit.
» Experience in the handling of large data sets and a strong background in For-tran and shell programming are necessary. Other software programs of use are Matlab, IDL, grads, cdo, pingo.
» English is the main working language, and a fluent written and speaking ability is required.
» Attendance of yearly CCMVal meetings and international conferences are ex-pected.
The Leibniz institute of Marine Sciences is an equal opportunity employer and en-courages female scientists and scientists with disabilities to apply.
The position is open until it is filled in and it is available for up to 3 years. The salary is up to the class E 13 TV-L of the German tariffs for public employees, depending on qualifications. Please send your full application (including a CV, certificates and the names and addresses of two referees) for this post as soon as possible using the key word TransBrom to the following address:
Leibniz Institute für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel
Wischhofstr. 1-3
D-12148 Kiel
Please mention the keyword on the envelope and on the application. A re-addressed envelope is greatly appreciated.
For further information please contact Kirstin Krüger (kkrueger[ at ]
IFM-GEOMAR is a foundation by public law, jointly funded by the federal und state government. The institute is a member of the Leibniz Association (WGL) and the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM). For further information please visit
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
PhD Position in Modelling Ocean Circulation, the University of Kiel
7:43 AM
