Liverpool John Moores University Applications are invited for a number of PhD studentship in the School of Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University. The studentships consist of a tax-free stipend (currently £ 13,290 per annum for the 2009-2010 academic year) and tuition fees. 1. VLSI devices (Microelectronics Research Group): The research will be related to quality assessment of nanometre transistors and Flash memory cells, and the evaluation of new materials for future VLSI industry. The research work will be carried out in collaboration with world-leading microelectronic research institutes, such as IMEC. The applicants should have a background in electrical and electronic engineering or physics. 2. Power electronics (Electric Machines and Drives Research Group):The research will be in the area of voltage source inverter topologies and PWM techniques for variable-speed multiphase (more than three phases) motor drives. The applicants should have a background inelectrical and electronic engineering, especially in the areas of power electronics, electric machines and variable speed drives, DSPs, and on-line control implementation. Detailed information regarding the research groups is available at Applicants should hold (or expect to get) a good (first class or upper second class) Honours degree or Masters degree (or an overseas equivalent from a recognizedUniversity). The expected starting date for the PhD studies is 01 October 2009. Application procedure: Please submit: by e-mail to Prof. Emil Levi ( or by mail to E.Levi,School of Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom St, Liverpool L3 3AF, UK. The “Postgraduate Application Form” must clearly state the nationality/residence status in the UK, as well as the area in which the applicant would like to pursue PhD research. Closing date for applications: 31 August 2009
PhD Studentships in Electrical / Electronic Engineering
School of Engineering
Please quote Ref: IRC179
We are seeking candidates with strong background and interest in the following areas, in which the School has well established research groups and advanced research facilities:
1) Full CV;
2) Completed “Postgraduate Application Form” (downloadable from; the form must include full home address and all contact details;
3) Two references (from independent and verifiable e-mail addresses, if sent by e-mail);
4) Certified translations of relevant transcripts and diplomas (for overseas applicants) or copies of transcripts and diplomas (UK/EU applicants);
5) Proof of English language knowledge (overseas applicants only; minimum acceptable IELTS score is 6.00)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
PhD Studentships in Electrical / Electronic Engineering
11:00 AM
