Official documents are in Italian language. PLEASE REFER TO OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLISHED IN: - Ricerca - Dottorati di Ricerca: Bando di Concorso 25 ciclo a.a. 2009/2010 WHO CAN APPLY Students of any country and age with one of the following degrees: Applicants with a foreign university degree (not validated by an Italianauthority yet): - a certified copy of the University degree with the complete list of exams, the translation into Italian and the relevant authentication. Note: admission is sub condicione for those candidates with foreignuniversity degree who cannot deliver the required documents before the admission competition. DEADLINES FOR APPLICATIONS
This translation cannot be used for legal purposes.
Every change and/or integration at the announcement are available at the above mentioned website: see the file “Modifiche e aggiornamenti al bando 25 ciclo” in the section Allegati.
• academic title conferred by foreign institutions, recognised as equivalent to an Italian title by the relevant academic authorities, also considering inter-university specific agreements of cooperation and mobility;
• an Italian laurea specialistica (3+2 years) or laurea magistrale (5 years)
• an Italian university degree - pre-reform regime (4 years).
Note: to be admitted to the competition applicants must obtain the 2nd level degree no later than October 31, 2009.
In order to obtain the certification of equivalence by this University Teachers’ Board and for the sole purposes of the admission, applicants with a foreign university degree must attach to the application form:
- a “Statement of validity” (Dichiarazione di valore) of the above mentioned document by the Italian Embassy or the Italian Consulate set in the country of the University which have released this document. This statement of validity must certify that the title is suitable for admission to an academic course at the same level of the PhD in the country where it has been released.
- applicants may also include all documentation, duly certified and translated into Italian, which may be judged appropriate for the purposes of the evaluation by part of the Teachers’ Board (courses, programs, exams, etc).
Documents must be delivered before the enrolment to the course.
Applications must be received by Ufficio Dottorato no later than September 18, 2009.
Info about admission exams, test dates and other details are available in the section of the announcement regarding the single doctorate courses.
Every communication (exam dates, ranking of qualified candidates, deadline of enrolment, further notice) will be given only by the official website: - Ricerca - Dottorati di Ricerca.
Monday, August 24, 2009
3:03 PM
