Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences Ph.D. Program Overview of MIMS Ph. D. Program (1) “Cross Educational Programs” are based mainly on the “Project Based Analysis and Research Cluster” and the “Inter-Departmental Course” at the Graduate School of Meiji University. In the “Project Based Analysis and Research Cluster”, four subjects – Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciencesâ… & â…¡, and Advanced Mathematical Sciences â… & â…¡ – are provided, which are coordinated by MIMS members and research fellows. These subjects are taught in both English and Japanese, and are designed to instruct students in “Mathematical modeling and analysis” for nonlinear non-equilibrium systems and non-linear time-series, which are central themes at MIMS. The aim is that students become able to consider complex phenomena in societies from various perspectives. The Inter-Departmental Course offer a number of “Multilingual Graduate Research”, such as “Fundamentals of English Communication Skills in Academic Setting” and “Fundamentals of Writing Academic Papers in English”. These subjects, which are taught by English native speaking professors specializing in academic English teaching, are aimed to cultivate highly skilled researchers able to be active internationally. Moreover, as an optional curriculum, students are recommended to study at graduate schools of partner universities based on the credit transfer system. At the Department of Mathematical and Life Sciences at the Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, a collaborating institute of our Global COE Program, some courses are available to be enrolled. In addition, the Graduate School of Science and Technology of Ryukoku University, an education and research hub for western Japan on Mathematical Sciences, provides students with the opportunity to take classes as well. On the other hand, (2) “Practical Programs” are based mainly on the “MIMS Research Guidance Program” at the Graduate School of Meiji University, and the “Project research for graduate students” at the Department of Mathematical and Life Sciences at the Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University. In the “MIMS Research Guidance Program”, a MIMS member or research fellow will be selected from each MIMS research group (Modeling, Mathematical Analysis, and Simulation) to form a research guidance team which will then provide comprehensive supervision to each individual student. The program mainly consists of two courses: the “Non-linear non-equilibrium systems course” which focuses mainly on vital and biological phenomena and the “Non-linear time-series course” which focuses mainly on economics, finance and the phenomena of natural science. The “Project research for graduate students” allows students to actually study at the Graduate School of Hiroshima University and participate in research programs for several months. Students must plan their own research subject, and complete a report of their accomplishments. The aim is to enhance students’ ability to study on their own initiative in different environmental conditions and heighten their research expertise and understanding of their respective fields. Students who complete all of the courses mentioned above receive necessary guidance, and once the student has reached a certain level, the student will receive permission to submit a dissertation (Doctoral Thesis). Students who have successfully passed the examination of the thesis, will be awarded a Doctoral Degree. An English version of the application guidelines for the MIMS Ph.D. Program is now available from here . Application Periods Applicants must send an e-mail to the Office of the Global COE Program including the following information: Contact Information Complete info:
A selected project for Global COE (Centers of Excellence) Program :
Formation and Development of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis
The key educational component of the Global COE Program for the `Formation and Development of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis’ is the Ph.D. program provided by MIMS, an affiliated research institute of the Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property, Meiji University.
This program consists of (1) “Cross Educational Programs” and (2) “Practical Programs”.
Applications can only be made during the application periods specified below.
*Application Period I: From 2nd July 2009 to 8th July 2009
*Application Period II: From 27th January 2010 to 2nd February 2010
Note: Applications must arrive no later than the final dates shown above.
-E-mail Subject: “Request for MIMS Ph.D. Program application forms”
-Applicant’s full name
-Present residing address
-E-mail address (except free e-mail address)
-Telephone number
Application forms will be sent to the present address by post as indicated on the e-mail.
Meiji University
Office of the Global Centers of Excellence Program
1-1-1 Higashimita, Tama-ku, Kawasaki,
Kanagawa 214-8571
E-mail: gcoe[at]
Monday, December 28, 2009
Beasiswa S3: PhD Scholarships Mathematical Sciences Japan

Master Scholarship in Mathematical Modelling Erasmus Mundus 2010/2011
Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarship in Mathematical Modelling in Engineering MathMods is a two-year Master of Science (MSc) programme (120 ECTS) within 5 European universities, providing students with a cross cultural education while getting acquainted with both theory and applications of mathematical modelling in engineering. Language The language of the whole course will be exclusively English at each of the five universities. Students will also have to attend a local language course during the semester they are spending in each university partner. Admission criteria. Applicants must have obtained a recognized Bachelor’s Degree (BS, BSc, SB, etc.) – or a degree at the level of a Bachelor’s Degree, for instance its equivalent from a college, university, or technical school of high standing, or 180 ECTS credits in the European system – in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Engineering with a large background in Mathematics. All applicants whose native language is not English are required to prove a satisfactory level of spoken and written English, certified by TOEFL (550 points), IELTS (6.0 points) or equivalent. Website : Contact address MathMods Programme
Several Erasmus Mundus scholarships are offered by the European Commission to both non-European and European students to attend MathMods MSc course. Some scholarships are exclusively dedicated to students from Western Balkans and Turkey.
The MathMods Master’s degree course will be given in four semesters. Each semester will total 30 ECTS credits. Mobility scheme will provide for at least two locations. The first year will be common for all students. This will guarantee an equal knowledge platform for all of them. The second year will be divided into five tracks, which reflect the partners’ field of excellence. Students will spend their fourth semester on preparing their Master’s Thesis.
Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila
Via Vetoio (Coppito) 1
L’Aquila (AQ)

The British Chevening Scholarships 2010/2011 for Indonesians
The British Chevening Awards 2010/11 Mau minta tolong untuk teman2 menyebarkan informasi tentang beasiswa Chevening mengingat aplikasi Chevening untuk tahun akademik 2010/11 akan ditutup pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009 dan websitenya yang dipakai sekarang ini adalah Adapun persyaratan dan cara mendaftar sbb: Application requirements: When to apply? On-line applications must be submitted between 1 October – 31 December 2009 via E-Chevening at We will contact you in the first three months of 2010 if you have been short-listed for interview. Terima kasih banyak ya teman2, Selamat Natal bagi yang merayakan, selamat liburan & Sukses di tahun yang baru. Salam, Rowena Rompas Scholarship Officer English & Education Reform Team British Council I T +62 (21) 515 5561 ext 187 I F +62 (21) 5155562
Dear temans,
* Indonesian citizens.
* Excellent first degree with a minimum GPA >=3.0.
* Good level of spoken and written English language (IELTS 6.5).
* Minimum of 2 years full time post-graduate (S1) work experience.
* Excellent career prospects.
* Commitment to career development, and ability to demonstrate motivation.
* Must be able to demonstrate future leadership potential and the capacity to play an important role in Indonesia’s development.
* Field of study should be relevant to educational background or current profession.
* We regret that we are unable to receive applications for MBAs.
* Previous recipients of a Chevening scholarship for Masters degrees are not eligible to apply.
* Employees, employee’s relatives (or former employees who have left employment within the last two years) of the FCO (Foreign & Commonwealth Office), including FCO posts, the British Council or any Chevening sponsors are not be eligible for these awards.

New Zealand PhD Scholarships 2010/2011
Victoria PhD Scholarships, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Victoria PhD Scholarships – application information Application form available here. Full regulations can be downloaded here. (Requires Acrobat Reader) History or background of award Selection criteria Applicants with Victoria University ‘offers of study’ of who are current Victoria University PhD students must apply on the application form available from the link at the top of this webpage. Please note: from 1 January 2010 there are changes to both the process for applying for PhD study at Victoria and applying for a Victoria PhD Scholarship. How these changes affect you is outlined below. From 1 January 2010, for new PhD applicants there will be one application process for admission to the PhD programme and University and for PhD scholarships. The combined application form will be available from late 2009 on the Faculty of Graduate Research Website. Please note: Although applications will be considered from students seeking scholarship support for a PhD degree for which they are already enrolled at Victoria, if you have applied for a Victoria PhD scholarship in the past, you must provide updated or additional information to apply for a second round. Such applications must be accompanied by clear support from supervisors. Number of awards offered Value Tenure of award Closing dates for applications How do students apply? Scholarship regulations covering both groups of applicants are also available from the links above. Decision makers How and when do students learn of the decision? What conditions are attached to acceptance of this award? A scholarship shall be terminated if a scholarship recipient ceases to resume the aforesaid programme of research within one month of the last day of the period of the deferment. If an award is made to an existing PhD candidate the tenure of the award will be reduced. Additional information Applicants, other than those who have completed all of their study at Victoria, must include a certified copy of their academic record from other institutions with this application. Applicants whose degree has been conferred at any university other than a New Zealand University will be considered in two categories: Educational Credential Evaluators Who else has information about this award? General information about doctoral study is also available from this website. For guidelines, application forms and more information about this award contact: The Scholarships Office Phone: (04) 463 5113 or (04)463 5557
For the purpose of encouraging postgraduate research, one objective being to build up strong research schools at the University, Victoria offers PhD scholarships to support doctoral studies. These scholarships are awarded on academic merit and are open to New Zealand and international students in any discipline.
Purpose of award
These Scholarships are intended to encourage doctoral study at Victoria University of Wellington.
The Scholarships are open to graduates of any university within or outside of New Zealand who intend to enrol either for PhD or who have started their PhD study within one year of application.
30+ each round
$21,000 stipend annually plus
tuition fees. Alternative funding
options may be offered.
Scholarships will normally be tenable for three years. For a student who has already been enrolled for a PhD at Victoria for more than three months at the time when the offer of a Scholarship is made, the maximum length of tenure of the Scholarship will be reduced at the discretion of the Scholarships Committee.
Monday 01 March 2010
Thursday 01 July 2010
and 01 November 2010
Application forms for new PhD students are available from the Faculty of Graduate Research Website.
Application forms for current PhD students or those with an ‘offer of study’ are available from the links above.
The University Scholarships Committee, a sub-committee of the University Research Council
Offers of Victoria Phd Scholarships will be made approximately six weeks after each closing date in March, July and November of the year of application. Because some applicants may in the event decline the offer of a Scholarship with the result that further offers have to be made, it is possible that some applicants will not be finally notified of the success or otherwise of their applications three months after application. If you are unsuccessful you will be notified of this and if you are on the researve list by email in the first instance. Please provide a clear and correct email address.
Scholarship recipients shall be required to devote themselves full-time to their programme of research during the tenure of the scholarship and may not hold a position of emolument without the approval of the University Scholarships Committee. Approval may be given for scholarship recipients to undertake paid employment (usually tutoring) for up to a maximum of 600 hours in any one calendar year. All requests to undertake part-time employment must be supported in writing by the supervisor.
Once the period of tenure of a scholarship has commenced, the University Scholarships Committee may, at its sole discretion, grant a scholarship recipient a deferment of their scholarship for a period not exceeding one year. In most cases such a deferment will coincide with a formal suspension from their PhD enrolment.
Several types of Victoria PhD Scholarship may be offered. Most successful applicants will be offered a Victoria PhD Scholarship which provide an annual stipend of NZ$21,000 plus tuition fees. However, a small number of Vice Chancellor’s Scholarships will be offered to the top applicants each round. These provide an annual stipend of $24,000 plus tuition fees. A number of Victoria Doctoral Assistantships are also offered each round. These consist of an annual stipend $15,000 plus tuition fees and an emploment component of $5,000.
Category 1 – applicants from the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Germany or Australia must supply an original or certified copy of their university transcript.
Category 2 – applicants from any other country must have their transcript verified and assessed with a course by course evaluation by one of the below educational evaluators:
National Recognition Information Centre [UK]
Information on applying to do a PhD at Victoria University of Wellington and apply for funding to do so is also available from:
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
New Zealand
E-mail: scholarships-office[ at ]

European Masters Scholarships in Sport and Exercise Psychology 2010/2011
European Masters in Sport and Exercise Psychology (EMSEP) by Erasmus Mundus Programme The European Masters in Sport and Exercise Psychology programme (EMSEP) is organised by four leading European universities in the field of sport and exercise psychology (SEP): the University of Jyväskylä (JyU, co-ordinator), Finland; the University of Leipzig (UL), Germany; the University of Thessaly (UTH), Greece, andLund University (LU), Sweden. The EMSEP programme offers education opportunities for students of all nationalities. Application deadline: January 5, 2010 Career opportunities European Masters Degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology Programme outline Benefits Research-based, interdisciplinary and high quality teaching from leading experts in Europe Website link:
What is Sport and Exercise Psychology?
Sport and Exercise Psychology is the scientific study of people and their behaviour in sport and exercise contexts, and the practical application of that knowledge. The field, as well as the EMSEP programme, builds on the scientific bases ofsport and exercise sciences, public health, and psychology. As the title implies, EMSEP has two main focuses: (1) promotion of healthy habits and overall lifestyle via regular engagement in various forms of physical activity; and (2) psychological support for athletes. The areas covered by EMSEP include, but are not limited to, motivation, performance, behaviour regulation, cognition, (post)career planning for athletes, identity, counselling and preventive interventions withinsport and exercise contexts.
The EMSEP programme prepares students for a research and/or professional career in Sport and Exercise Psychology through a combination of coursework, independent study, internship, and an extensive hands-on research experience. After successful completion of the programme, graduates will be awarded a double degree. EMSEP graduates can expect to find employment in the private and public sectors of exercise, well-being and sport; for example, as health and fitness leaders, instructors, performance enhancement specialists, psychological health consultants, or academic researchers in the field.
Full-time duration: 2 years
Language of instruction: English
Annual student intake: 24 (divided between three host universities)
Mobility period: obligatory
Scholarships: available
The research-oriented, two-year master`s programme consists of 120 ECTS credits and is conducted fully in English. The network universities offer a joint curriculum for the students, as they will study in at least two universities during the programme. Upon completion of their studies, the programme graduates are awarded a double degree.
The European Masters in Sport and Exercise Psychology programme provides you with:
An individualised study plan
Hands-on experience in the field during the internship period
Experience of a truly international study environment, including a study abroad period at another partner university and networking with fellow students and experts
Officially recognised double degree from two network universities
A possibile scholarship for the studies

Beasiswa S3 PhD Scholarships in Molecular Basis of Neurodegeneration Germany
PhD Scholarships in Molecular Basis of Neurodegeneration, University of Tuebingen, Germany Special focus of the advertised project will be (2) In vivo imaging of synaptic APP processing The two advertised positions are financed by the German Research Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Tuebingen and the Graduate Training Center Centre of Neuroscience at the University of Tuebingen, Germany. Highly qualified graduate students are invited to apply for this 2-years scholarship that can be extended to a third year. The scholarships are funded by the German Helmholtz Research Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases. The research findings should eventually translate into novel diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic strategies. Contact: Tobias Rasse
Two Ph.D. student positions are available in the Research Group Synaptic Plasticity, at the Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen, Germany. Our group addresses the molecular and cellular basis of synaptic plasticity.
(1) Modeling age-dependent proteotoxicity in adult Drosophila
(2) In vivo imaging of synaptic APP processing
(1) Modeling age-dependent proteotoxicity in adult Drosophila
Many diseases of aging, including Alzheimer’s disease and various forms of Parkinsonism, are associated with proteotoxicity caused by improper folding and aggregation of proteins. Recently a Drosophila “Alzheimer” model was described which allows key stages in disease progression to be studied. Specifically it facilitates analysis of processing of the Alzheimer precursor protein (APP) into the Aß peptide which has been implicated as the main instigator of disease [Greeve et. al, JNS, 2004 p 3899]. We have utilized this model to identify putative modifiers that link aging and APP induced neuronal cell death [unpublished results]. Furthermore, we want to address the effect of modifying signalling pathways involved in aging on the neurodegeneration apparent in this model. Subsequently we will assess the effects of these modifications on neurodegeneration induced by Aß alone [Iijima et. al., PNAS, 2004. p 6623], tau [Wittmann et. al., Science, 2001 p 711] and other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and spinocerebellar ataxia 3 (SCA3). In addition to fly genetics and husbandry, specific techniques designed to test behavioural changes, memory/learning deficiencies and retinal degeneration have been designed for use in this project. The ideal candidate is a highly motivated student with top grades, talent and creativity who is willing to visit collaborating laboratories in the course of his/her PhD.
In this Ph.D. project in vivo imaging [Füger et al., Nature Protocols 2007. p 3285; Rasse et. al., Nature Neuroscience 2005. p 898] and structural analysis [Kittel et. al., Science 2006. p 1051] will be combined to study, in vivo, how soluble fragments of APP-related proteins effect synapse formation, maturation and elimination at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. The mechanism by which misregulated APP/APPL function leads to pathological events and subsequent symptoms of neurodegeneration will be investigated. Studying this effect in vivo will allow the temporal sequence of cellular events to be deciphered. Investigations shall furthermore clarify the exact cellular localization and functional relevance of APP/APPL processing for synaptic function. The ideal candidate is a highly motivated student with top grades, talent and creativity who is willing to visit collaborating laboratories in the course of his/her PhD.
tobias.rasse[ at ]

PT. Griyaton Indonesia - Project Manager
PT. Griyaton Indonesia, a susidiaries of Sintesa Grup ( are focus on develop precast concrete solution. To handle our Projects & provide great value added to stakeholders, we urgently invite the best talents to joint our team as: Project Manager (Code: PM) - Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Solo Qualifications: If you meet the requirements and look for a new challenge, please send your application including CV, photo & supporting documents at the latest by January , 2010 to: e-mail : or
HR Department Jl. Raya Bekasi Km. 27 Pondok Ungu, Bekasi 17124
PT Sari Husada - Field Nutrionist, Nutritional Representative
Sari Husada is a pioneer in manufacturing baby and nutritious foods in Indonesia. We produce various kinds of international standard milk products for infants and for pregnant and breast-feeding mothers. Our products includes: SGM 3, SGM 4, Vitalac 1+, Lactamil, SGM Cereal, SGM Rusk/Biscuit. Currently, we are looking for a bright talent and achiever individuals to fill in the following vacancy : Field Nutritionist (Code : FN) Nutritional Representative (Code: NR) Please send your application letter including CV, recent photograph and contact number (not more than 150KB, windows base programs) to
Please put position code as subject of email
Only qualified applicants will be notified.
PT Suzuki Indonesia - Accounting Management Staff
PT Suzuki Indonesia - As one of the largest multinational automotive company, We currently is seeking for talented and high caliber candidates who are looking for more challenges and better future to join as part of our growth for the following position : ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT STAFF ( AMS ) If you are graduating this year or have graduated recently, and you have no later than January, 30 2010.
Our requirements:
what it takes to be part of our Accounting Management Staff,
we want to talk to you.
Please submit your comprehensive resume (detailing your qualifications
and also previous work experiences) and recent photograph via email to :
Please put the position code ( AMS ) as the subject
PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara - Network Staff
PT. Pasifik Satelit Nusantara is Indonesia’s first private satellite telecommunications company and one of the leading satellite companies in Asia Pacific region. Headquartered in Indonesia, the Company is focused on becoming a fully integrated provider of satellite based telecommunication products and services in the region. Due to the Company’s rapidly expanding business; we invite young, energetic and talented person to join our professional team as : Network Staff Send resume and photograph to:
Requirements :
Kuwait Oil Company - Petroleum Engineer, Reservoir Engineer, Geologist, Drilling Engineer, Contract Engineer, Contract Engineer, Planners, Petrophysic
Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) - Kuwait Oil Company invites you to be a part of the team, where highly motivated ad highly skilled E&P professionals work together in increasing the export production capacity from 2.5 million bopd to 4 million bopd by 2020. Known as the Pearl of the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait has both a cosmopolitan an traditional society in which the new employees will find welcoming people and a safe environment in which to work and live. All positions are full - time, internal within the Company and based in Kuwait. Tax free salaries and other benefits, apply now to explore the dream and experience the opportunity Minimum Requirements: To apply please visit our agents website and download the resume template then e-mail the detailed resume with a photo to: and
Please indicate your job position as the subject of the email
PT Fastfood Indonesia Tbk - Site Engineer
PT Fastfood Indonesia Tbk -Kentucky Fried Chicken, the largest Fast Food Restaurant in Indonesia, challenge you who have extraordinary capabilities to fill the following position: Site Engineer (SE) Please write the position you apply as the subject and send your CV, certificate & transcript, ID Card and recent photograph before January 09th 2010 to: PT FastFood Indonesia, Tbk
Recruitment & Selection Dept.
Jl Raya Daan Mogot No 163 Lt Dasar
Jakarta Barat
Hermawan, Prasetyo & Juniarto Law Firm - Senior Associates
Hermawan, Prasetyo & Juniarto is a law firm dedicated to providing a full range of orporate legal services in a challenging and dynamic legal environment at a fair and reasonable cost. Its strength is in its team of experienced and trained lawyers who treasure the value of knowledge as well as creativity and innovation in addressing the needs of its Clients. We distinguish ourselves from other firms by offering our clients particularly strong resources in many disciplines. Our depth of practice enables us to handle the most complex matters. Partners and other lawyers in our firm submit a progressive approach of various legal practices; emphasize the importance of harmonious relationship with Clients, also applying creative solutions in solving business problems the Clients are facing. Senior Associates Interested applicants are invited to send Curriculum Vitae through
PT Cargill Indonesia - Aquaculture / Poultry Technical Services, Plant Management Trainee, Purchasing Staff, Formulator
PT Cargill Indonesia - Cargill is a multinational US based company, an international marketer, processor and distributor of agricultural, food, financial and industrial products and services with more than 158,000 employees in over 66 countries. We invite fresh graduates and experienced professionals in Animal Feed Business to join our World Class Team as: Requirements: Send your CV, a passport sized photograph, copies of your education certificates, reference letters and application letter to: Cargill Animal Nutrition
Jalan Raya Udik, Gunung Putri
Citeureup - Bogor 16962
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
PT Adaro Indonesia - Finance & Accounting Staff
PT Adaro Indonesia operates under a Coal Cooperation Agreement with the Government of Indonesia which gives it the right to mine coal within its Agreement Area in the Tanjung district of South Kalimantan Province until the year 2022 with Rights to extend by mutual agreement are available. There are three deposits within the Agreement Area which contain total coal resources of 2.8 billion tones of open cut coal characterized by extremely thick seams of up to 50 meters with relatively low overburden. We are currently seeking: Finance and Accounting Staff (code: FAS) Interested candidates are required to send the application letter together with CV and recent photograph, not later than 3 January 2009 to: Please put the position code as your email subject. Only sort listed candidates will be process.
Mining Supervisor, Mechanic Supervisor - PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia
PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia - Thiess is a multinational company with over 6000 employees in Indonesia. Our business provides integrated services in mining, civil construction, process engineering, and telecommunication throughout Indonesia. We are currently seeking : MINING SUPERVISOR Responsibilities for this position to lead, organise, and provide direction for employees to ensure outstanding performance is achieved in production, people performance, HSE&Q outcomes and the business results. Applicants should have a minimum Senior High School or higher is preferred with minimum of 5 years professional experience in large open cut mining operation of which at least 3 years in production/service supervision /management role; possess “Pratama” certificate - Mine and Energy Department is preferred; have ability in employee’s supervision, resource planning, and OHS&E supervision; be able to operate computer and good communication skills; be able to provide reporting and have ability to operate most of type of Mining equipment. Competitive salary and benefits will be offered to the right candidate. MECHANIC SUPERVISOR Reporting to Mechanic Senior Supervisor, you will responsible to plan and coordinate the maintenance, repair and service for mechanical of equipment according to TMS Plant Department policies and procedures to ensure availability targets and budgets are achieved; lead, organise and provide direction for employees to ensure outstanding performance is achieved in people performance, HSE&Q outcomes and the business results. Requirements for this position minimum Senior High School or Mechanical or Electrical trade certificate is preferred; minimum of 4 years field experience in large mining or construction industry in Mechanical Supervisory Level; familiar with OEM products in Heavy Equipments: Excavators, Dump Trucks, Dozers, Motor Graders, IR Drill machine; knowledge of Health & Safety regulations, Compliance requirements, Cost containment; computer literate; good English communication skills both written and verbal; should be diligent, proactive, having good planning, and supervisory skill. Competitive salary and benefits will be offered to the right candidate. Closing date: 31 Jan 2010 11:55pm S.E. Asia Standard Time If you want to take your career to a new level and be involved in an exciting workplace with growth and development, please apply now at:
Job No.: 580443
Department: Mining
Work type: Permanent (Indonesia only)
Job No.: 580453
Department: Plant Department
Work type: Permanent (Indonesia only)
“Only short listed candidates who apply on-line will be proceed”
Beasiswa S3: Occupational Health PhD Studentship
Occupational Health / Epidemiology PhD Studentship Occupational Epidemiology: barriers to participation in (occupational)health research or an epidemiological study of the carcinogenicity of lead (and lead compounds) University of Central Lancashire PhD Studentship Reference No RS/09/12 Project titles: (i) Understanding of factors that influence participation in occupational and population-based health research. (ii) Lead and cancer mortality in a cohort of occupationally exposed UK workers. For further details on the projects go to: Prospective candidates will have an upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject. Informal queries about the project may be directed to Professor Damien McElvenny (+44 1946 517209 or +44 1772 895421, or email ). Requests for an application pack (quoting the reference number RS/09/12) should be directed to the Graduate Research Office. Tel +44 (0)1772 895082 or e-mail . Closing Date for Applications to the Graduate Research Office: Thursday 28 January 2010 Proposed Interview Date: 11 February 2010
Applications are invited for a full-time studentship in the School of Public Health & Clinical Sciences. The studentship is tenable for up to 3 years for the MPhil/PhD (subject to satisfactory progress). The studentship will cover the cost of tuition fees at UK/EU rates plus a stipend (currently £13,290 for 2009/10) per annum. International applicants may apply but will be required to pay the difference between UK/EU and international fees. The successful applicant will start on 1 April 2010.There are currently 2 suggested projects which can be applied for:

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Beasiswa: Scholarships & Bursaries University of the Arts
Scholarships & Bursaries for International Students
University of the Arts London International Graduate Scholarships
For the 2010/2011 academic year, the University of the Arts London is offering postgraduate scholarships for international students (excludes EU students), across our six Colleges. Scholarships will be awarded to international students with the ability and potential to make an exceptional
contribution to the art, design, communication or performance worlds. We hope the scholarships will enable talented individuals to realise their full potential through further study at University of the Arts London.
Scholarships are available for the following MA courses:
Application deadline: 14 June 2010 and27 September 2010
Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design
MA Screen (Writing pathway given priority)
MA Design (Ceramics pathway given priority)
London College of Fashion
MA Costume for the Performing Arts
London College of Communication
MA Graphic Moving Image
MA Documentary Film
Chelsea College of Art and Design
MA Fine Art
MA Interior and Spatial Design
Camberwell College of Arts
MA Conservation
Wimbledon College of Art
MA Interdisciplinary Performance
For MA courses starting in September/October 2010, the application deadline is 14 June 2010, 5:00pm GMT and decisions will be announced to successful candidates by 12 July 2010. For MA courses starting in January 2011, the application deadline is 27 September 2010, 5:00pm GMT and decisions will be announced to successful candidates by 25 October 2010.

Beasiswa di USA/Canada: Women Scholarships 2010-2011
MMMF Grants is a Women’s Scholarship program for outstanding women from developing countries.
For students from developing countries who are currently studying in the United States or Canada, the MMMF awards grants of approximetly $12,000 each; grants are not renewable. Every year, the MMMF
also invites the recipients to Washington DC to participate in a three day Awards Program organized in their honor.
Follow the application procedure below.
Application Forms: available online from November 5, 2009.
Deadline for submitting completed applications: midnight February 18, 2010
Results: ONLY successful applicants will be notified around May 1, 2010

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Nanyang MBA Scholarships 2010/2011 Singapore
Nanyang Fellows Programme, Nanyang Business School In this 12-month full-time programme, the Nanyang Fellow will spend ten and a half months at the Nanyang Business School in Singapore, three weeks at MIT’s Sloan School of Management in Boston and two weeks in Wharton, University of Pennsylvania. The programme also includes a compulsory Business Study Mission (BSM) in a carefully selected country around the world. The programme also includes a Leadership Seminar Series where you will gain privileged insights from the experiences of top business and government leaders through closed-door dialogues. The Nanyang Fellows Programme is a highly prestigious and first-rate MBA programme. The programme will be suited for you if you have strong talent and leadership potential that makes you stand out in your organization. The design of this programme is unique and distinctive as follows: Who should attend? The Nanyang Fellows Programme is crafted specially for those preparing for the pinnacle of leadership in their organisations. Here is the typical Nanyang Fellow profile: Requirements As Singapore’s elite MBA, the Nanyang Fellows Programme admission requirements are rigorous. You are required to meet all of the following criteria: Interviews We may invite you for an interview, at our discretion, after you have submitted your application. This interview is to help us better appreciate you to ensure that the programme is appropriate for you. Criteria The Nanyang Fellows Programme attracts only the top talent from the East. As such, we are highly selective in handpicking individuals to be part of this programme. While we look for leadership potential, strong academic capability and good personal qualities (ethics, integrity and social responsibility), we also try to ensure a good diversity of backgrounds to add to the richness of this programme. Leadership Potential The Nanyang Fellows Programme is for future leaders, and we want to ensure that all participants have proven leadership potential. We will carefully assess your leadership potential through your application essay, referees’ testimonials and interview outcome. Strong Academic Capability We look for candidates who have strong proven academic performance, as the intellectual demands of this programme are rigorous and require excellent analytical abilities and good communication skills. Apart from good academic record, we will also consider your GMAT (if any) and TOEFL scores to evaluate your academic abilities. Character and Personal Qualities As a future leader, we expect from you the highest levels of personal integrity and character. As you will be learning and working closely with other Fellows, we expect qualities of mutual respect and civil decorum, and the genuine desire to share and contribute towards community fellowship and cooperation, fostering camaraderie and furthering friendship and goodwill amongst all. Application Procedure To apply for the Nanyang Fellows Programme, you will need to complete the online application form. While the full application can be submitted online, supporting documents can be couriered, faxed or mailed. Policies Please note the following policies as you prepare for your application: Application Form Fill in the Online Application Form. What to expect In the online form, you will be asked to provide some information, including: You will also be asked to submit the following documents by postal mail: You may also send us the above documents (and the 2 referee reports) by mail to the following address: The Director After submitting the online form, you will be given an application number when you finish. You may use this number when you contact us regarding your application. What to expect next Due to the huge amount of application received, we will contact you within 2 week of your submission if you are short-listed. Fees & Period of Study The tuition fee for the programme is S$68,000/- (Sixty-Eight Thousand Singapore Dollars) and covers the academic year from July of the current year to June of the following year(see the academic calendar). The tuition fee covers the tuition at NBS-NTU, MIT Sloan and Wharton; one Overseas Business Studies Mission (airfare, transportation, accommodation and limited meals), computer fees and examination fees. The fee is payable in one lump sum upon successful registration. The fee does not include the cost of airfare (country of origin to Singapore; Singapore to homeland; Singapore to USA), transportation and accommodation in Singapore and USA. An enrolment fee of S$1000/- (One Thousand Singapore Dollars) is payable upon acceptance of the offer of admission. The enrolment fee is non-refundable but is deductible against the tuition fee upon successful registration. Scholarships & Financial Aid We offer attractive scholarships on a competitive basis to outstanding international candidates of exceptional ability and sterling track record. The scholarship provides each scholar with full or partial tuition fee waiver. Financial aid is awarded to successful scholarship applicants in financial need, with a modest monthly stipend, air passage(s) and/or overseas accommodation. The specific value and coverage may vary. There is no bond or obligation for the scholar to be employed by NTU or in Singapore. You may apply for a scholarship and financial aid concurrently with your application. Application for scholarship for the intake of 2010/2011 will cease on 31 January 2010
The Nanyang Fellows Programme was launched in 1998 by Dr Tony Tan. Since then courses are conducted annually with an optimum cohort of around 20-30 students. The small size enhances learning and interaction on a personal level.
Why should I pursue this programme?
The interview may be conducted over the phone or on campus.
The Nanyang Fellows Programme
Nanyang Business School
Block S3, B2A-39
Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798

The British Chevening Scholarships 2010/2011 for Indonesian Students
Beasiswa Chevening merupakan beasiswa dari pemerintah Inggris (UK) yang didanai oleh Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) dan dikelola oleh British Council. Beasiswa ini diberikan untuk mahasiswa pascasarjana dari berbagai negara di dunia termasuk diantaranya Indonesia. Mereka yang terpilih akan menempuh studi di Inggris. General Information & Requirements General A prestigious programme funded by the British Government (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) and administered by the British Council. Applications for 2010/11 Chevening Scholarships will open 1 Oct 2009 and close on 31 December 2009. Initial selection is based on the quality of the written application. You do not need to attach any documents with the application form. Prospective scholars applying for Chevening scholarships for 2010/11 will need to apply on-line here: E-Chevening. For further information please contact: British Council Rowena Rompas Phone number: +62 21 515 5561 E-mail : visit the website
Over 1000 scholarships awarded in Indonesia since 1984.
This year up to 35 full scholarships are offered for one year Master degrees.
Courses at various universities and professional institutions in the UK including courses in media, finance, economics, politics, law, management, engineering, gender, environment, democracy etc.
A very competitive scheme. Only the best applicants are invited for further test and interview.
Employees, employee’s relatives (or former employees who have left employment less than two years before) of the FCO (Foreign Commonwealth Office), including FCO posts, the British Council and the sponsor will not be eligible to apply for these awards.
Who can apply?
Indonesian Citizen.
Age between 25 – 40 years old.
Excellent first degree with minimum GPA 3.0.
Adequate level of spoken and written English language.
Minimum of 2 years full time working experience after graduation from S1.
Excellent career prospects.
Commitment to career development, and ability to demonstrate motivation.
Field of study should be relevant to educational background or current profession.
We regret that we are unable to receive applications for MBAs.
Previous recipients of a Chevening scholarship for Masters degrees are not eligible to reapply.
Must be able to demonstrate future leadership potential and the capacity to play an important role in Indonesia’s development.
Ability and potential to contribute to future bilateral relations between Indonesia and Britain.
We strongly encourage candidates from Eastern Indonesia to apply. Subject areas are: Media, International Relations, Environmental Policy, Local Governmental Administration, Democracy and Pluralism.
When to apply?
The next scheme will be advertised in the national and regional press.
The Selection process
Successful applicants will be notified and invited for an English test/interview in January 2008.
The English test and interviews will be held in Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan and Makassar.
The results of the interviews will be announced by letter.
Candidates achieving an IELTS score of at least 6.5, and who are accepted by a UK university for an appropriate subject (approved by the Embassy) will be awarded a full scholarship.
English language training is included as part of the scholarship (only if required). Candidates from outside Jakarta are supported during the period of the course.
Whilst undergoing English language training in Jakarta, candidates are briefed by British Embassy and British Council staff and are given guidance on course selection and application procedures.
The academic year in the UK commences in September/October. After completing the English courses (around May) candidates are normally advised to return to their employment. The British Council then keeps in touch with candidates about their departure arrangements. Further briefing on the departure arrangements is provided one month prior to departure.
The final number of scholarships granted is determined by the British Embassy.
How to Apply
Details about all countries where the Chevening Scholarships scheme operates can be found here.
British Council
Indonesia Stock Exchange Tower II,
16th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190
Fax number : +62 21 515 5562
E-mail :

Monday, December 14, 2009
PhD Positions in Cell biology, Epigenetics, Immunobiology, at Max Planck Institute [Germany]
International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Biology is looking for students from all over the world showing strong talent and motivation with a deep passion for science interested in Cell biology, Epigenetics and Immunobiology
We offer you:
* Exciting scientific projects addressing
o function and development of the immune system,
o regulation of protein and gene expression and its role in disease development
* Intensive mentoring in an excellent environment
* PhD program
organized by the Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology and the University of Freiburg
* Full material support and first-class facilities for your project including intensive individualized mentoring
* International research community – official language is English
It is our goal to help you to accomplish a first author publication from your PhD and help you develop your future career. During your PhD you will have the chance to join 3 labs for a month each and select the best laboratory for your project.
You will also attend a variety of courses: intensive scientific methods and logic courses, scientific writing and presentation, planning of scientific projects, advanced language courses etc. You will network with world leading scientists, visiting the institute or meet them at the conferences.
Eligible applicants should be strongly committed and enthusiastic about science and research. Future PhD students of the Max Planck Institute and the University of Freiburg will already have excelled in their studies. They got and or are about to get their Master or Diploma or equivalent degree in the next 6 months approximately.
We are looking forward to your application. More information about the program and how to apply you will find on our web page:

China Scholarships for International Graduate Students 2010
The Graduate Student Scholarships, supported by the Chinese Scholarship Council(CSC), are provided for prospective international students to study for Master or Doctoral Degrees in top universities in China thus to expand student exchanges and academic collaborations between Chinese Universities and their overseas partnership institutions. China Agricultural University(CAU) is among the list of the top universities supported by CSC to directly recruit the scholarship students from the academic year of 2008. I. Basic Information and Duration of the Scholarships Program 1. Up to 25 scholarship students will be accepted to China Agricultural University for the 2010-2011 academic year (normally the academic year in China starts from September). 2. The Graduate Student scholarships only support the students who apply to be fully registered as graduate students (Master or Doctoral students) in CAU. 3. Duration: The duration of the scholarship for all programs is the same as the normal length of the specific graduate programs in CAU. (Please check the Catalog of graduate Programs for International Students of CAU in the appendix) If the courses for doctoral and master degree students could not be conducted in English, applicants who are non-Chinese speakers are generally required to take Remedial Chinese language courses for 1 year before their major studies. The one-year Chinese language study is also covered by the scholarship. Note: Duration for scholarship specified at the time of admission can NOT be extended in principle II. Application Applicants should submit written application materials directly to Office of International Relations in China Agricultural University. The deadline for the materials to arrive at CAU is before January 5, 2010 for the academic year starting from Fall, 2010. III. Eligibility 1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health. 2. Applicants are not studying in Chinese universities. 3. Education background and age limit: IV. Details of the Scholarship Full scholarship: Scholarship students shall get their monthly living allowance from the date of registration. New students who register before 15th (15th included) of the registration month will get the full amount of the living allowance of that month, and those who register after 15th will get half amount. The graduates will be given a living allowance for another 15 days after the graduation time set by the university. The allowance will be terminated from the next month after students suspend their studies, drop school or complete schooling from the university. Monthly living allowance covers school holidays. Scholarship students who do not get the monthly living allowance during holidays can get that upon return on campus. The allowance will be suspended for one month if students do not register on time without permission from the university in advance, leave for non-health reasons or are absent from the university over a month.- Applicants for master degree studies must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
- Applicants for Doctoral degree studies must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40.
- Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, fee for laboratory experiment, fee for internship, fee for basic learning materials and accommodation on campus;
- Living allowance;
- One-off settlement subsidy after registration;
- Fee for outpatient medical service, Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China.
Note: 1) Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship that beyond the university’s arrangements should be afforded by the student himself.
2) Fee for basic learning materials covers the necessary learning materials prescribed by the host institution, and other materials shall be self afforded.
3) Monthly living allowance is paid to the students by the host institution at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month):
- Master degree students: CNY 1,700 Yuan
- Doctoral degree students: CNY 2,000 Yuan

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Urgently needed a Secretary or an Administration:
With requirements:
· Single
· Secretary Background
· Minimum 1 years experience in the same position
· Good command in English both written and oral (mandarin will be an advantage)
· Computer literate
· Excellent communication and interpersonal skill
· Secretarial duties
Please send your resume, CV and recent photograph to: emilia@baguskarya. com
A company located in West Jakarta is looking for:
“S E C R E T A R Y”
-Woman max. 32 years old
- Honest, Dilligent, & Hard worker
- Good communication in English oral & written
- Ability to handle multitasking assignment
- Understand microsoft office (especially excel & words) & internet
- Fresh graduate are welcome
Please send your application letter + CV + photo + other necessary documents to plastech@plastech.
Please state your expected salary in the CV!!
Channel Strategy Specialist - Manager
Our Company (Public Listed IT Distribution
Company), have vacant position for Channel Strategy Specialist -
Manager, with qualification below:
Bachelor degree or Master degree from reputable
At least 5 yrs exp. in Managerial Level
Strong knowledge of IT and related industries ( telecom,
electronic, FMCG )Well understanding of IT or Consumer Electronics/ Telecomm
MarketWell Experience with various distribution system in any
industries ( wholesale, retail, modern outlet, hypermart )Experinced in conducting & managed research as
strategic data collectionAble to managed ( collect, filtered, proceceed,
analyzed ) data in to a strategical presentation Self initiative and independent Able to work under low supervision Analytical oriented & excellent presentation
Should you meet this qualification, please send your complete CV and recent photograph to: mochilham.indrawan@ metrodata.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Swiss PhD Position in Journalism 2010 2011
Position call for PhD candidate in Journalism and collaborator for the Media and Communication Service Requirements: Research topic: Job description at the Media and Communication Service: The usual contractual conditions for PhD students of the Università della Svizzera italiana will apply. Please send your Application Letter and CV to website link:
– Master degree in Journalism or Communication
– Expertise in journalistic writing and editing
– Know-how in the use of new technologies and web publishing
– Languages:
– English mother tongue
– Very good understanding of Italian
The selected candidate will be required to:
– Work 50% for the Media and Communication Service of the Università della Svizzera italiana
– Collaborate in research activities of the European Journalism Observatory (
The PhD research will focus on journalism: the topic will be defined in detail together with prof. Stephan Russ-Mohl, director of the PhD thesis.
– Writing and editing of English texts: press releases, newsletter, web
– Internal and external communication
– Cooperation in the organization of events
– Creation and management of mailing lists
– Management of online resources
Deadline: December 11th, 2009
Fellowship Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre Fellowship Program 2010 ISEAS Singapore
Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre Fellowship Program 2010, ISEAS, Singapore The Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Preference will be given to scholars who have completed their Ph.D. degree While in residence in Singapore, the fellow is expected to complete a paper Applicants should include with their applications a cover letter, a full CV, The deadline for applications is 15 February, 2010 and should be directed Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, Electronic applications can be submitted to: Enquiries on the program should be directed to Geoff Wade, Geoff Wade
(ISEAS) in Singapore, which pursues research on historical interactions
among Asian societies and civilizations, is accepting applications from
scholars who wish to undertake research and writing in the area of
intra-Asian historical interactions during 2010. The areas of particular
interest to the Centre are detailed on the NSC website:
within the last ten years. The fellowship will be for a period of up to six months and can be commenced any time between April and December 2010.
on the proposed topic, organize or contribute to a workshop, and give a
public lecture at ISEAS. The fellowships include a monthly (all-inclusive)
stipend of SGD $6,000, and a one-off payment of SGD $1500 to cover research
costs. In addition, a round-trip economy airfare between the home country of
the researcher and Singapore will be provided.
two letters of reference, and a research proposal of approximately five
pages (double spaced). The proposal should discuss the issue to be
examined, a review of the relevant literature, plans for any fieldwork, and
project time frame. The preferred period for the fellowship should also be
to the following address:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119614
Institute for South East Asian Studies

Beasiswa S2 Asia Pacific: Scholarships for Master Program in Human Rights and Democratisation
Scholarships and Call for Applications Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific)
Applications are now being accepted for study and for scholarships in the Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific) (MHRD).
The MHRD is a unique Master degree program in which students undertake a foundational semester of study at the University of Sydney, and then a second semester at one of the four partner universities:
Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia)
Mahidol University (Thailand)
Katmandu School of Law (Nepal)
University of Colombo (Sri Lanka)
Graduates of the course will gain an interdisciplinary understanding of human rights and democratisation in the Asia Pacific, and will have opportunities to research and examine the application of human rights and democratisation in the field with the partner institutions.
Course Structure
In the first semester at the University of Sydney, students will undertake a foundational course in social science, legal and political approaches to human rights and democratisation. During the second semester students will follow two core units of study complemented by either supervised research, an internship at an in-country organisation specialising inhuman rights /democratisat ion or undertake further specialised electives. Students must select one of the four partners universities listed above to undertake their second semester study.
Core Courses
Human Rights Norms and Laws (1 & 2)
Human Rights and Democratisation Research
Dynamics of Human Rights Violations
Democratisation: Theory and Practice
Critical and Emerging Issues in the Asia Pacific
In the second semester, students will take one of the following options:
a) Specialised electives
b) Internship program
c) Research thesis
Graduates will have both the ability to undertake independent scholarly research on current issues pertaining to human rights and democratisation in the Asia Pacific and skills to put their academic understanding and practical experience to use in real situations.
Potential Students
We are looking for people who have a strong commitment to or experience on working on issues about human rights and democratisation. The degree will strongly benefit people already working in, or seeking to work in the fields of human rights and democratisation in our region.
Through a combination of academic and practical educational experiences, the objective of the program is to produce graduates who can support ongoing efforts to strengthen institutions dedicated to the protection and promotion ofhuman rights and democracy and to enhance a regional culture of human rights and democracy. Recognising the critical institutional developments that are taking place both regionally and in particular countries during this time, the program has been set up to ensure thathuman rights and democracy advocates in the region are well resourced to lead us into the next decades.
Thirty scholarships, covering course fees and a living and travel allowance, will be offered to outstanding applicants from across the Asia Pacific region. This is made possible with the support of a significant grant from the European Commission.
Scholarships will be available to citizens of Asia Pacific countries (a full list of countries is available from the Academic Director upon request). The award of scholarships will be determined by academic qualifications and potential contribution tohuman rights and democratization.
Applications are now open.
Applications for the MHRD close on 30 April 2010 and are considered upon receipt.
Applications for the Human Rights and Democratisation Scholarship close on 12 March 2010.
Contacts and Further Information
If you are interested in the program, you can find more information at
For any questions, or for a copy of the application form, please contact Academic Director Dr. Danielle Celermajer at