Beasiswa Chevening merupakan beasiswa dari pemerintah Inggris (UK) yang didanai oleh Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) dan dikelola oleh British Council. Beasiswa ini diberikan untuk mahasiswa pascasarjana dari berbagai negara di dunia termasuk diantaranya Indonesia. Mereka yang terpilih akan menempuh studi di Inggris. General Information & Requirements General A prestigious programme funded by the British Government (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) and administered by the British Council. Applications for 2010/11 Chevening Scholarships will open 1 Oct 2009 and close on 31 December 2009. Initial selection is based on the quality of the written application. You do not need to attach any documents with the application form. Prospective scholars applying for Chevening scholarships for 2010/11 will need to apply on-line here: E-Chevening. For further information please contact: British Council Rowena Rompas Phone number: +62 21 515 5561 E-mail : visit the website
Over 1000 scholarships awarded in Indonesia since 1984.
This year up to 35 full scholarships are offered for one year Master degrees.
Courses at various universities and professional institutions in the UK including courses in media, finance, economics, politics, law, management, engineering, gender, environment, democracy etc.
A very competitive scheme. Only the best applicants are invited for further test and interview.
Employees, employee’s relatives (or former employees who have left employment less than two years before) of the FCO (Foreign Commonwealth Office), including FCO posts, the British Council and the sponsor will not be eligible to apply for these awards.
Who can apply?
Indonesian Citizen.
Age between 25 – 40 years old.
Excellent first degree with minimum GPA 3.0.
Adequate level of spoken and written English language.
Minimum of 2 years full time working experience after graduation from S1.
Excellent career prospects.
Commitment to career development, and ability to demonstrate motivation.
Field of study should be relevant to educational background or current profession.
We regret that we are unable to receive applications for MBAs.
Previous recipients of a Chevening scholarship for Masters degrees are not eligible to reapply.
Must be able to demonstrate future leadership potential and the capacity to play an important role in Indonesia’s development.
Ability and potential to contribute to future bilateral relations between Indonesia and Britain.
We strongly encourage candidates from Eastern Indonesia to apply. Subject areas are: Media, International Relations, Environmental Policy, Local Governmental Administration, Democracy and Pluralism.
When to apply?
The next scheme will be advertised in the national and regional press.
The Selection process
Successful applicants will be notified and invited for an English test/interview in January 2008.
The English test and interviews will be held in Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan and Makassar.
The results of the interviews will be announced by letter.
Candidates achieving an IELTS score of at least 6.5, and who are accepted by a UK university for an appropriate subject (approved by the Embassy) will be awarded a full scholarship.
English language training is included as part of the scholarship (only if required). Candidates from outside Jakarta are supported during the period of the course.
Whilst undergoing English language training in Jakarta, candidates are briefed by British Embassy and British Council staff and are given guidance on course selection and application procedures.
The academic year in the UK commences in September/October. After completing the English courses (around May) candidates are normally advised to return to their employment. The British Council then keeps in touch with candidates about their departure arrangements. Further briefing on the departure arrangements is provided one month prior to departure.
The final number of scholarships granted is determined by the British Embassy.
How to Apply
Details about all countries where the Chevening Scholarships scheme operates can be found here.
British Council
Indonesia Stock Exchange Tower II,
16th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190
Fax number : +62 21 515 5562
E-mail :
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The British Chevening Scholarships 2010/2011 for Indonesian Students
11:33 AM
