The British Chevening Awards 2010/11 Mau minta tolong untuk teman2 menyebarkan informasi tentang beasiswa Chevening mengingat aplikasi Chevening untuk tahun akademik 2010/11 akan ditutup pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009 dan websitenya yang dipakai sekarang ini adalah Adapun persyaratan dan cara mendaftar sbb: Application requirements: When to apply? On-line applications must be submitted between 1 October – 31 December 2009 via E-Chevening at We will contact you in the first three months of 2010 if you have been short-listed for interview. Terima kasih banyak ya teman2, Selamat Natal bagi yang merayakan, selamat liburan & Sukses di tahun yang baru. Salam, Rowena Rompas Scholarship Officer English & Education Reform Team British Council I T +62 (21) 515 5561 ext 187 I F +62 (21) 5155562
Dear temans,
* Indonesian citizens.
* Excellent first degree with a minimum GPA >=3.0.
* Good level of spoken and written English language (IELTS 6.5).
* Minimum of 2 years full time post-graduate (S1) work experience.
* Excellent career prospects.
* Commitment to career development, and ability to demonstrate motivation.
* Must be able to demonstrate future leadership potential and the capacity to play an important role in Indonesia’s development.
* Field of study should be relevant to educational background or current profession.
* We regret that we are unable to receive applications for MBAs.
* Previous recipients of a Chevening scholarship for Masters degrees are not eligible to apply.
* Employees, employee’s relatives (or former employees who have left employment within the last two years) of the FCO (Foreign & Commonwealth Office), including FCO posts, the British Council or any Chevening sponsors are not be eligible for these awards.
Monday, December 28, 2009
The British Chevening Scholarships 2010/2011 for Indonesians
3:09 PM
