Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences Ph.D. Program Overview of MIMS Ph. D. Program (1) “Cross Educational Programs” are based mainly on the “Project Based Analysis and Research Cluster” and the “Inter-Departmental Course” at the Graduate School of Meiji University. In the “Project Based Analysis and Research Cluster”, four subjects – Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciencesâ… & â…¡, and Advanced Mathematical Sciences â… & â…¡ – are provided, which are coordinated by MIMS members and research fellows. These subjects are taught in both English and Japanese, and are designed to instruct students in “Mathematical modeling and analysis” for nonlinear non-equilibrium systems and non-linear time-series, which are central themes at MIMS. The aim is that students become able to consider complex phenomena in societies from various perspectives. The Inter-Departmental Course offer a number of “Multilingual Graduate Research”, such as “Fundamentals of English Communication Skills in Academic Setting” and “Fundamentals of Writing Academic Papers in English”. These subjects, which are taught by English native speaking professors specializing in academic English teaching, are aimed to cultivate highly skilled researchers able to be active internationally. Moreover, as an optional curriculum, students are recommended to study at graduate schools of partner universities based on the credit transfer system. At the Department of Mathematical and Life Sciences at the Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, a collaborating institute of our Global COE Program, some courses are available to be enrolled. In addition, the Graduate School of Science and Technology of Ryukoku University, an education and research hub for western Japan on Mathematical Sciences, provides students with the opportunity to take classes as well. On the other hand, (2) “Practical Programs” are based mainly on the “MIMS Research Guidance Program” at the Graduate School of Meiji University, and the “Project research for graduate students” at the Department of Mathematical and Life Sciences at the Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University. In the “MIMS Research Guidance Program”, a MIMS member or research fellow will be selected from each MIMS research group (Modeling, Mathematical Analysis, and Simulation) to form a research guidance team which will then provide comprehensive supervision to each individual student. The program mainly consists of two courses: the “Non-linear non-equilibrium systems course” which focuses mainly on vital and biological phenomena and the “Non-linear time-series course” which focuses mainly on economics, finance and the phenomena of natural science. The “Project research for graduate students” allows students to actually study at the Graduate School of Hiroshima University and participate in research programs for several months. Students must plan their own research subject, and complete a report of their accomplishments. The aim is to enhance students’ ability to study on their own initiative in different environmental conditions and heighten their research expertise and understanding of their respective fields. Students who complete all of the courses mentioned above receive necessary guidance, and once the student has reached a certain level, the student will receive permission to submit a dissertation (Doctoral Thesis). Students who have successfully passed the examination of the thesis, will be awarded a Doctoral Degree. An English version of the application guidelines for the MIMS Ph.D. Program is now available from here . Application Periods Applicants must send an e-mail to the Office of the Global COE Program including the following information: Contact Information Complete info:
A selected project for Global COE (Centers of Excellence) Program :
Formation and Development of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis
The key educational component of the Global COE Program for the `Formation and Development of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis’ is the Ph.D. program provided by MIMS, an affiliated research institute of the Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property, Meiji University.
This program consists of (1) “Cross Educational Programs” and (2) “Practical Programs”.
Applications can only be made during the application periods specified below.
*Application Period I: From 2nd July 2009 to 8th July 2009
*Application Period II: From 27th January 2010 to 2nd February 2010
Note: Applications must arrive no later than the final dates shown above.
-E-mail Subject: “Request for MIMS Ph.D. Program application forms”
-Applicant’s full name
-Present residing address
-E-mail address (except free e-mail address)
-Telephone number
Application forms will be sent to the present address by post as indicated on the e-mail.
Meiji University
Office of the Global Centers of Excellence Program
1-1-1 Higashimita, Tama-ku, Kawasaki,
Kanagawa 214-8571
E-mail: gcoe[at]
Monday, December 28, 2009
Beasiswa S3: PhD Scholarships Mathematical Sciences Japan
3:13 PM
