Full-time, 4 years
Vacancy number 1.2008.00340
The Faculty of Philosophy, VU University Amsterdam, has a vacancy for a PhD position in the research project “Tarski’s Revolution: A New History – Semantics and Axiomatics from Bolzano to Tarski against the background of the Classical Model of Science” (TRANH). The project is funded by a Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) and led by Dr. Arianna Betti (Principal Investigator).
More information on the project:
The PhD student is expected to:
carry out the subproject “Semantics and Axiomatics in Bolzano against the background of the Classical Model of Science”
take part in the activities of the research team, including (co-)organizing and participating in international meetings, joint editorial projects and grant applications;
take on a small amount of teaching as part of the PhD training (=<10%);
present papers at international meetings, submit articles to international peer-reviewed top scientific media and write a dissertation in English.
Starting date: March 2009
Deadline for application: 8 December 2008
The candidate must have a two-year master’s degree or equivalent (e.g. a one-year master’s degree and academic training and skills demonstrably comparable to a two-year master’s degree) in Philosophy, knowledge of German, a background in logic and its history, have demonstrated aptitude for combining theoretical and historical research and have good ICT skills. The candidate must also be highly motivated, ready and able to work in a team and possess excellent social and communicative skills. Having worked previously on Bolzano’s thought, a history-of-ideas-approach or a background in mathematics are advantages, but not pre-requisites. Candidates who are about to receive their MA degree are also welcome to apply. As part of an equal opportunity scheme, women are particularly encouraged to apply for this position.
€ 2.042,- gross per month in the first year to € 2.612,- in the fourth year based on a full-time employment.
Written applications should include:
a curriculum vitae;
names of two academic references;
list of courses followed and a copy of the MA diploma;
translations of these documents in English where appropriate (a certified translation might be requested at a later stage in the procedure);
a copy of the MA thesis (or, should the latter not be available yet, a writing sample);
an extended letter of motivation explaining why the candidates consider themselves qualified for conducting this research (max. 1500 words); or a short letter of motivation accompanied by a separate research proposal containing a first attempt to specify in more detail how they intend to carry out Project I (research topic, objectives and approach, max. 1500 words, not including bibliographic references).
Please mention the vacancy number in the e-mail header or at the top of your letter and on the envelope. Send your application before December 8, 2008 to the VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Philosophy, attn. Mrs. M.G.H.M. Dijcker, Director of Operations, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It is also possible to apply by email to: secretaresse[ at ]ph.vu.nl by sending all documents in pdf-format.
Drs. Pam Rossel, Faculty of Philosophy (phone: +31 20 59 86644, e-mail: p.rossel[ at ]ph.vu.nl)
Dr. Arianna Betti, Faculty of Philosophy (phone: +31 20 59 86681, e-mail: ariannabetti[ at ]gmail.com).
Full description:
Sunday, November 23, 2008
PhD Position in History and Philosophy of Logic, Semantics and Axiomatics, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
7:32 PM
