International Seminar in Assessment in Language Learning and Teaching
22-23 January 2009
Faculty of Language and Literature & Language Training Center
Satya Wacana Christian University
Salatiga, Indonesia
CALL for Paper/Workshop Proposals
A 250-300 word abstract with a title not exceeding twelve words and a
fifty-word bio-data
Call for Paper
Deadline : 19 December 2008
Notification: 26 December 2008
Selected full paper deadline: 15 January 2009 (for inclusion in the Proceedings)
· Faculty in Language Program Assessment
· Students in Language Program Assessment
· Technology in Language Program Assessment
· Appropriate Ways to Assess the Mastery of Language Skills
· How to Align Learning Objectives and Learning Outcomes
· Evaluation Models for Data from Testing
· Other related subtopics
Criteria for Acceptance
All abstracts will be evaluated by the Seminar Planning Committee.
Relevance to the theme of the Seminar and freshness and originality of
approach are among the major considerations in the acceptance of
papers. The Committee reserves the right to decline paper/workshop
proposals without assigning reasons.
Proposals are encouraged within the sub-themes, but are not limited to
the topic areas.
Invited Speakers
Prof. Lyle Bachman, UCLA, California, USA
Prof. Hiromi Otaka, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
RELO Jakarta, Indonesia
Conference Fee
Public : Rp 550.000,-
Local Teachers : Rp 300.000,- (for Salatiga primary and secondary
school teachers with a letter from the schools)
The fee includes a certificate of attendance, conference materials,
refreshments, lunches, and a conference dinner.
More info and brochure download:
web : or (temporary)
Contact persons:
Phone & Fax: +62 298 313859
Phone & Fax: +62 298 312120
Neny Isharyanti
Faculty of Language and Literature
Satya Wacana Christian University
Salatiga, Indonesia
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Assesment in Language Teaching and Learning
7:16 PM
