Postdoctoral and PhD student position at the University of Zurich, the Swiss initiative in systems biology, has initiated a new
project entitled “Neurochoice: Neural Correlates of Collective Decision
Making”, with principal investigators located at the Universi-ties of
Zurich, Bern, and Geneva, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in
Lausanne. One part of the project, focusing on fMRI studies of the role of
risk during human decision-making, will be completed under the direction of
Prof. Ernst Fehr and Kerstin Preuschoff at the Institute for Empirical
Research in Economics in Zurich. We are presently seeking applicants for the
positions of post-doctoral researcher and PhD student.
These positions require a background in neurobiology, economics, psychology
or computer science, and an interest in neuroeconomics and/or mathematical
modeling of behavioral and neuroimaging data. Previous experience in
neuroimaging techniques and fMRI data analysis is a major advantage.
Candidates should have an interest in designing and conducting experiments
in neuroeconomics and social neuroscience. Finally, candidates should have
programming experience, e.g. in MATLAB or similar languages. Employment can
begin immediately but is negotiable. The Institute for Empirical Research in
Economics offers an exciting and interdisciplinary work environment and
excellent research facilities, including a 3T MRI scanner dedicated to
research and a large and well-equipped laboratory for conducting behavioral
Application may be made electronically or by post. Please submit your CV,
copies of all relevant diplomas, a statement of interest, and the names and
email addresses of two referees to the following address by December 14,
2008: Sally Gschwend, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics,
Blümlisalpstr. 10, 8006 Zürich , Switzerland,
The University of Zurich is an equal opportunity employer, and as such
welcomes applications from women and minority candidates.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Switzerland Postdoctoral and PhD student position Neurochoice-Zurich
7:08 PM
