BIOLOGY) is available at the Department of Biology, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo.
Further information on scientific profile, responsibilities, working
duties, and other issues relevant for the position are given in a
detailed job description available at this link or on request to Senior Executive
Officer Bente Schjoldager, Tel. + 47 22 854704, e-mail:
The research in the Department of Biology is organised into three
programmes: Integrative Biology, Marine Biology, Microbial Evolution
Research Group, and in an integrated Center of Excellence - Center for
Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CoE-CEES).
Currently, the Department of Biology holds a permanent academic staff
of 32.
This position comes under the program for Marine Biology, which
currently employs a permanent academic staff of 7, 1 adjunct associate
professor (20%), and 2 technicians. The program also engages a varying
number of internally and externally funded PhD students and post doc
researchers, depending on funding. About 20 master students are
associated with the program. Research focuses on the biology and
biodiversity of macroalgae and planktonic algae, the ecology of soft
bottom sediments and pelagic ecology. Research in pelagic ecology
focuses on the behavior and ecology of zooplankton and fish, as well
as their predator-prey relationships. Marine research is also carried
out within the other research programs at the department and at CEES.
We are seeking a person with expertise and research profile in
field-based ecological research on zooplankton or fish. The appointed
candidate should strengthen, and complement the research that is
already carried out at the department and establish a field-based
activity in marine pelagic ecology, alternatively in combination with
experimental studies. It is expected that the appointed candidate will
aim at acquiring external funding to subsidise his/her research. A
doctoral degree, strong publication record, and teaching experience
are required.
The person appointed must be able and willing to participate in
teaching, supervision and examination in marine biology at all levels
(bachelor, master, PhD), as well as teaching more general
undergraduate courses. The appointed person must also undertake
administrative duties in accordance with current provisions.
The application must contain information on education, previous
appointments and work experience, scientific and pedagogical
activities, documentation of teaching and administrative experience.
Applicants must deliver four (4) copies of the following items before
the application deadline:
· Application, CV, and attachments
· Up to 10 selected scientific publications the applicant wishes to
include in the evaluation
· A list of scientific publications with bibliographic references
· A portfolio containing documentation of teaching experience,
capability of external fund raising and other qualifications the
applicant wants to have considered
The person appointed to the position must have basic pedagogical
qualifications, and those who cannot document such competence must
acquire it within the first two years of the appointment. Further
information are given in “ Rules for the assessment and weighting of
pedagogical competence for appointments to permanent academic posts
which include teaching duties†and can be found at:
Pedagogic qualifications beyond basic competence may give a
competitive advantage in the ranking of otherwise equally
scientifically competent applicants.
The top candidates normally have to go through an interview and trial
lecture before the final ranking of the applicants.
Formal procedures for appointment to permanent scientific positions
are given in “Rules for Appointments to Professorships and Associate
The teaching languages at the University of Oslo are Norwegian and
English. The person appointed to the position is expected to be able
to teach in Norwegian and English within a time limit of 2 years from
taking the position.
The University of Oslo wants to have more women in permanent academic
positions. Women are encouraged to apply.
The University of Oslo has a goal of recruiting more individuals with
an immigrant background in permanent academic positions. Individuals
with an immigrant background are encouraged to apply.
The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to
secure rights to research results a. o.
Additional information:
Head of Department, professor Trond Schumacher, tel. + 47 91147203,
or professor Stein Kaartvedt, tel. +47 22854739, e-mail:
Associate professor
Pay grade: 57 — 66 (NOK 435 500.- to 514 500,-) (depending on
Pay grade: 66 - 84 (NOK 514 500,- to 784 800,- ) (depending on
Application deadline: September 1st, 2008
REF. NO.: 2008/11485
Four sets of the application (marked with REF.NO. 2008/11485),
including CV, scientific publications, copies of testimonials and a
complete list of all documents submitted should be forwarded to:
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo,
Attn.: Senior Executive Officer Bente Schjoldager, P.O.Box 1032,
Blindern, NO-0315 OSLO
Application documents, except original publications, will not be returned.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
2:23 PM
