Saturday, August 16, 2008

WISERD PhD Studentship Oppurtunity (Cardiff) - UK

The following message is sent on behalf of Prof. Amanda Coffey, Cardiff
University. We would be grateful if you could publicise this opportunity
or circulate the information to anyone you may think is interested on
our behalf.

The deadline for applications has been extended until the 8th August to
allow late applicants to have the oppurtunity to apply.

Applications are invited the following WISERD PhD studentship in the
School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University.

‘Researching Elites in Wales’
Supervisors: Dr Sara Delamont and Professor Paul Atkinson

1+3 / +3 Studentship, to begin in September 2008

Many thanks

Vicky Parkin

Victoria Parkin
Graduate Studies Assistant
Graduate Studies Office
School of Social Sciences
Cardiff University
Glamorgan Building
King Edward VII Avenue
Cardiff CF10 3WT
Tel:(441)029 20 874972