Saturday, August 16, 2008

PhD Scholarships in Nanomaterials: Science, Growth, and Characterization, Oklahoma State University, USA

PhD position in Oklahoma State University nanoscience and engineering research group in Tulsa

Focus is on developing nanostructured materials for:
1) Thermoelectric energy conversion
2) Multiferroics

Both thin film and bulk synthesis methods are investigated.

Duties include:
* help to set up labs
* work on nano particle synthesis, and materials alloying
* measure their thermal and electrical properties
* optical characterizations
* device fabrication and testing

Expertise expected:
* Strong hand in electrical and mechanical tools
* Familiar with the basics of the semiconductor physics

Other expectations:
* Interested in the nano material research
* A careful person to handle contamination free processes
* Creative, hard worker, and persistent

The student is located in Helmerich Advanced Technology Research Center (HATRC). HATRC is a new research center in Tulsa, Oklahoma that started its work in November 2007. It hosts specialized laboratories that enables faculty and students to focus on the state of the art research in different areas including nano and MEMS. The student will have special opportunities to be involved in setting up the labs and learn neat physics and experimental research in the area on nano materials engineering.

Please email you resume to Professor Daryoosh Vashaee at: daryoosh.vashaee[ at ]