Two PhD Scholarships
University of Erfurt, Germany (Germany)
Commencing 1 November 2008 the University of Erfurt will award two
doctoral scholarships via the Center of Empirical Research in Economic
and Behavioral Sciences (CEREB) and one post-doctoral scholarship for
women via the University of Erfurt.
The Center for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral Science
(CEREB) is a collaboration of researchers in economics, psychology and
organizational management. The members of the CEREB combine scientific
theory and empirical methods in their work in order to answer important
social questions. The researchers take advantage of synergies of
interdisciplinarity and cooperate with international research facilities.
Successful candidates will be able to work in an outstanding research
environment. They will profit from an innovative conception of mutual
team support and an intensive mentoring programme. With their research
they will be integrated into cross-disciplinary research teams, and in
this research-oriented environment will receive systematic preparation
for either an academic or non-academic career. The research-oriented
graduate training will be effectively supported by a corresponding
program of study and further education. The CEREB offers an
interdisciplinary doctoral colloquium, workshops, a short lecture
program, and financial support for participation in conferences.
Applicants for Scholarships must hold a Master’s or equivalent degree
with top marks, or a PhD in one of the relevant core areas. Scholarships
for PhD candidates are €1,000 per month and run for a period of up to 3
years. Postdoctoral scholarships are €1,500 per month and run for a
period of up to 3 years. Material and travel expenditures will also be
paid. In Erfurt each scholar will have a workstation at his disposal.
Scholars are requested to reside in Erfurt for the duration of their
scholarship. Participation in seminars of the respective graduate school
or the mentoring research teams is mandatory.
A small number of other doctoral scholarships are available for
outstanding individual projects in the humanities and social sciences.
The documents required for application include: - Proposal of the
dissertation or post-doc project (ca. 5 pages, including research
question, status quo of the research in the field, methodological
approach and hypotheses, time and work schedule) - Curriculum vitae -
Copy of the first university degree - Copy of the final or doctoral
thesis - Letter of recommendation by a professor
Applications may be submitted to: Erfurt University, Vizepräsidium für
Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, Nordhäuser Str. 63, D-99084
Erfurt. Applications must be submitted in writing and electronically.
( The file must not exceed 2 MB.
Queries may be sent to Angelika Tetzel or Thomas Horstmann
(angelika.tetzel @ thomas.horstmann @, Tel.
+49 361/737 5040).
More information: About CEREB: About the scholarships:
Application has to be received by 12. July 2008.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Phd scholarship — University of Erfurt, Germany
8:17 AM
