Government of Italy Scholarship Offer 2008-2009 dan 3rd International Conference on Postgraduate Education
Bersama ini kami sampaikan pemberitahuan dari:
1. Embassy of Italy Jakarta presents its compliments to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and has the honour to inform
that the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the
Fondazione Collegio Europeo of Parma (Italy) offers 20 scholarships on
Advanced Degree in European Studies for the academic year 2008/2009.
The scholarships, is addressed to graduates of jurisprudence, economy and
political sciences. Candidates should have at least passive knowledge of
Italian, English and French. Each scholarship recipient shall receive the
amount of Euro 1000. The deadline for application to the scholarship is
July 15, 2008 at 00.00 hours in Italy. Copy of the application to be sent
to this Embassy (Jl. Diponegoro no. 45 Jakarta 10310). Website
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Government of Italy Scholarship Offer 2008-2009
11:22 PM
