London South Bank University
MPhil-PhD Scholarships
Faculty of Business, Computing & Information Management
Fully-funded: UK/EU/Overseas applicants
We seek applications for a research scholarship:
* MPhil-PhD in a suitable aspect of Business
The scholarships are for award to outstanding UK/EU/Overseas applicants and are intended to commence in the 2008/2009 academic year.
The scholarships have an annual bursary of £15,000 for the 2008/2009 academic year, and fee-settlement of the relevant annual tuition fee. They are to be offered only to new full-time research students. In the first instance they are offered for one year only, but subject to satisfactory annual progress, are renewable for each of a further two academic years.
You will need a distinctive and related Master’s degree, supported by relevant practical experience and a high standard of both spoken and written English. Applications are sought from all eligible applicants, in particular, those who obtained their Master’s degree from the Faculty of Business, Computing & Information Management of London South Bank University.
The faculty’s business-related Research Institute and Centres welcome suitable applicants for doctoral level research training. Applications are invited from scholars wishing to undertake MPhil-PhD research within one or more of the business-related areas stated below:
1. Accounting, Finance & Governance (Centre for Research in Accounting, Finance & Governance)
2. International Business (Centre for International Business)
3. International Marketing (Ehrenberg Centre for Research in Marketing)
4. Not-for-Profit and/or Third Sector (Centre for Government & Charity Management)
5. Social and Financial Systems (Centre for Social & Financial Systems Research)
6. Strategy, Management, Leadership and Innovation (Institute for Strategic Leadership & Service Improvement)
To apply please send a recent CV, the names and contact details of two referees and a brief (circa 700 words) description of the research area that is of interest. Please quote ref: BCIM 02. In addition, you must also complete the standard form for admission to a research degree at London South Bank University available at: and sent it to: Dr Kenneth D’Silva, Director of Postgraduate Research Degrees Programme, Faculty of Business, Computing & Information Management, London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, England.
Informal enquiries about these scholarships may be made to Dr D’Silva on or fax + 44 (20) 7815 7891.
In all cases, fully completed applications must be received no later than 7 July, 2008.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
MPhil-PhD Scholarships - London South Bank University
11:25 PM
