PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics or Economics - ICS Netherlands PhS Scholarships Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics or Economics
The Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) is an internationally renowned research and graduate training school, located in the Netherlands at the Universities of Groningen, Utrecht and Nijmegen.
The ICS offers fully funded Ph.D scholarships for a variety of projects to excellent candidates who recently graduated in one of the social sciences. Graduates in Mathematics, Statistics or Economics are also invited to apply.
The Ph.D students will be appointed for a full four-year period in which the graduates will work on an individual project, leading to a doctoral dissertation. The generous scholarships fully cover tuition, research and living expenses. The salary amounts to appr. €2000,- before taxes in the first year of the appointment, rising to appr. €2558,- before taxes in the fourth year. There are no tuition fees.
The programme (in English) begins September 1st, 2008 and applications should arrive at the ICS before May 1, 2008.
Extensive information on the ICS and the available Ph.D positions can be found on the ICS-homepage:
General information and applications: ms. M. Ristivojcevic-Lefering, Postbus 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands, tel. 00 31 24 361 30 13, E mail:
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics or Economics - Netherlands
4:09 PM
