University of Birmingham, School of Psychology: 10 PhD Studentships available for October 2008
The School of Psychology seeks excellent applicants for up to 10
University and Research Council funded research studentships for
students wishing to start a research degree in October.
These studentships are available in any of the areas covered by the
School of Psychology’s three major subject groupings:
(i) Behavioural Neuroscience
(neuroimaging, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, cognitive
(ii) Developmental, Social and Applied Psychology
(developmental psychology, forensic, clinical, social cognition)
(iii) Language, Cognition and Perception.
(visual perception, reading, speech and gesture production)
Further details on the research groupings can be found here:
More detailed descriptions of the research interests of our staff can
be found here:
The studentships pay the tuition fee and a maintenance allowance
currently £12,600 per annum. Home and international students are
eligible to be considered for these studentships. Tuition fees for
non-EU overseas applicants will be paid at the home tuition fee rate.
Applications and further details can be obtained from:
Mrs Parveen Chahal, Course Administrator
Telephone: 0121 414 4906
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
10 PhD Studentships School of Psychology, University of Birmingham
4:08 PM
