Oxford Brookes University
PhD Studentships in the Business School
-Internationalisation of hospitality and tourism firms
-Entrepreneurship in hospitality and tourism industries
-Environmental change in hospitality and tourism industries
-Employment relations implications of public sector reform
-Project-working and organisational learning
-Evaluation of leadership development programmes
-The diffusion of corporate governance mechanisms from the private to
both the public and the NFP sector
-An investigation of governance issues in the investment intermediary
-The evolution of the audit committee
-Climate Change and the Global Economy
-Models and patterns of development in emerging economies
-Consumer behaviour in the marketing of services
-Channel management
Completed applications forms should be sent directly to: Business
School HR Team, Oxford Brookes University, Business School, Wheatley
Campus, Wheatley, OX33 1HX or email hr-bs@brookes.ac.uk
Closing date: 30th April 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
13 PhD Studentships in Business, Oxford Brookes Univ, UK
4:18 PM
