An exciting PhD opportunity is available in an emerging research field at the interface of physical sciences, engineering and biology. The project seeks to use detailed computational modelling to understand the influences of different fluid flows on the dynamics of chemical reactions. This is key to developing our understanding of biological pattern formation, the propagation of chemical signals, the dynamics of blood flow, the control of hazardous chemical reactions, and other important applications in chemistry, biology, medicine and industry.
Number of Awards: 1
Supervisor Name: Dr Annette Taylor, School of Chemistry in collaboration with Dr Mark Wilson in Mechanical Engineering
Value: The stipend will be at the standard EPSRC rate (currently 12,940 pa), and the studentship is open to any UK or EU nationals possessing/expecting a good degree in a physical science, engineering, computing or mathematics.
The successful applicant will join an interdisciplinary research team working in a dynamic, enthusiastic environment, and will benefit from a range of training opportunities to develop desirable technical and transferable skills. In particular, training will be provided in fluid dynamics, computational modelling, and high-performance computing. The project will run in parallel with a closely linked experimental investigation undertaken in Birmingham, and will therefore also provide experience of state-of-the-art spectroscopic and imaging methods in chemistry. Opportunities will also arise to present the results of this research at international conferences.
Application deadline: 31/12/08
Please email A.F.Taylor[ at ] or M.Wilson[ at ] for further details.
How to apply: Applications should be made online or using the University application form, to
Tanya Wainwright
School of Chemistry
University of Leeds
Email address: T.M.Wainwright[ at ]
Further information contact:
Name: Dr A Taylor / Dr M Wilson
Email: A.F.Taylor[ at ] / M.Wilson[ at ]
Telephone: (+44) 0113 343 6543
Thursday, November 6, 2008
PhD Studentship in Computational Modelling in Chemistry, Biology and Industry, University of Leeds, UK
10:23 AM
