PhD Position at the Institute of Materials Science of Aragón, CSIC - UZ, Zaragoza, Spain at the Laser Processing of Materials: Production and Characterization Group.
We offer a PhD position. The candidate will research on the frame of the international EU project “Engineered Self-Organised Multicomponent Structures with Novel Controllable Electromagnetic Functionalities” (ENSEMBLE).
The objective is the research of the self-organisation that controls the eutectic solidification for electromagnetic applications. The work consists on the fabrication by directional solidification of metal-insulator, or semiconductor-insulator, eutectic composites and its microstructural, crystallographic and optical study. The compositions will be previously selected, based on their expected behaviour as metamaterials and singular electromagnetic properties. These singular properties arise from the submicrometer, ordered microstructure and their large contrast in electromagnetic properties. The candidate will have the opportunity, and will be encouraged, to spend short periods at different European laboratories of the ENSEMBLE team.
The position will last one year, approximate starting date 1st January 2009, with subsequent renewals up to the project ending date on April 2012.
The offer is directed to Graduate students in Science (Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or Photonics) or Engineering. Graduate students in Physics are thought more appropriate, but we will consider other graduates also. Good academic records are required. Previous knowledge on Materials Science or Photonics will be appreciated.
Applications should be sent as soon as possible to Rosa I. Merino (see contact details below), and should include a CV, a statement of research interests, certification of academic records and the names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of potential referees.
Deadline for application is 31th of January 2009, or shorter if the position is filled.
Rosa I. Merino , email: rmerino[ at ]
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón,
Pedro Cerbuna 12, E-50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Grupo de Procesado de Materiales con Láser: Producción y Caracterización
Thursday, November 6, 2008
PhD Position at the Institute of Materials Science of Aragón, CSIC-UZ, Zaragoza - Spain
10:21 AM
