Highly qualified applicants from all over the world are invited to apply, provided that they are not older than 30 years. All applicants must hold or anticipate receiving a university degree within the first half of 2009. This university degree should qualify for the start of a doctorate thesis in their home country and ideally should be equivalent to a European university diploma / degree.
Reapplications will not be considered
Application forms can be downloaded directly from this website or are available together with the relevant brochures from the address below. Please complete the application form carefully and return it as soon as possible to:
Prof. Dr. Andrea Barta
Vienna Biocenter
Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9/3
A-1030 Vienna, Austria
Fax: +43-1-4277-9616
or send an email to: PhD office
Online Submission:
You can send us an online form by clicking here!
Note: Therefore you will need a letter of recommendation, which can be downloaded here.
Deadline for receipt of completed application is November 30, 2008.
Letter of recommendation:
In addition, we request letters of recommendation from two scientists who are familiar with your academic work and who can judge your potential as a PhD student. Please forward the enclosed letters to the referees and ask them to send their letters of recommendation directly to the dean of the PhD Programme. We can only accept recommendation letters printed on the referee´s official paper and signed by the referee. You can either send the letters directly to the dean´s address above or email a scanned copy to the phd-office[ at ]mfpl.ac.at. The student himself / herself is responsible for obtaining the letters and should actively inquire with the respective referees whether the letters have been sent.
Please note that we will be unable to process your application without letters of recommendation. These letters are therefore an essential part of your application, and it is your responsibility to ensure that the referees write to us before November 30, 2008.
Selection procedure and admission:
Complete applications will be reviewed by a selection committee consisting of group leaders of the Vienna Biocenter. The short-listed candidates will receive invitations to visit the Vienna Biocenter for a five-day period of interviews and information exchange. These interviews will take place in January 2009. Travel expenses will be reimbursed, and free accommodation will be provided. Offers of admission will be made to the successful candidates at the end of the interview period.
Click here to download the application package in RTF-Format (will open with Microsoft Word) which includes the “covering letter”, the “application form” and the “letter to referee”.
If you want to send the application form via e-mail to the PhD office: phd-office[ at ]mfpl.ac.at, make sure that your e-mail attachment is not larger than 1MByte! Please do not forget to add your (own) e-mail address for replying you!
Via: official announcement
Saturday, November 1, 2008
PhD Positions in Molecular Life Science, Vienna Biocenter, Austria
9:19 AM
